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Like the police force, fire department, and US infrastructure I absolutely agree.

Glad we had this talk jb.

Who pays for those things? I will tell you who. The same people that will be forced to pay for the health care of fat, stupid, lazy people. Fat people are an astronomical burden on the health care system.


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5th largest economy in the world. Balanced the budget for 2013. Suck it haters.

More lies. You sure are full of it today.

On January 14th the independent Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), which in November had forecast a $1.9 billion deficit in 2013-14, said that the books were “roughly in balance” without quite agreeing that the deficit had gone. Mr Brown’s numbers are no more than best guesses: he must revise his budget in May after 2012’s tax returns come in. But this is a solid achievement for a governor who just last May took to YouTube to announce that “much greater” cuts were needed to deal with a deficit that had ballooned to $16 billion.

Brown’s budget not only assumes $1.1 billion in higher income and sales tax revenues than the November projections, but it also takes advantage of an additional $1 billion in revenues that will supposedly be created by the state’s new cap-and-trade program and the elimination of certain development tax breaks.

But Brown was hardly in a position to make such assumptions. Before his speech, the first round of cap-and-trade auctions had already taken place, producing only 14 percent of expected revenue. In addition, California’s state controller had already released numbers in December showing that actual tax collections were 10.8 percent below projection.

Will any of Brown’s magic new revenue actually materialize in state coffers? History suggests it won’t. A recent California Common Sense study showed that, since the recession began, governors’ budget projections have overestimated revenue by an average of 5.5 percent. Apply that average to Brown’s 2013 projections, and California’s budget would suddenly go from $1 billion in the black to $3.9 billion in the red.



In the Rotation
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5th largest economy in the world. Balanced the budget for 2013. Suck it haters.

god you're full of shit.


California's economy is the 12th largest economy in the world (2012),[7] if the states of the U.S. were compared with other countries.[8][9] .[10] As of 2010, the gross state product (GSP) is about $1.9 trillion, which is 13.06% of the United States gross domestic product (GDP).[11] The state's GDP growth rate slowed to 0.4% in 2008 after having grown 3.1% in 2006 and 1.8% in 2007.[12]


Depending on who you ask this Labor Day, California's economy is either on its way up or headed straight for the crapper.

A report released today by the California Budget Project finds that the state has a historically low level of employment, even as earnings are declining for most workers. By July, the report says, the state had gained back only one out of six jobs lost during the recession. The state added only 2,760 jobs a month between February and July.

Government is dragging down the economy, the report says. Over the last three years, the state has lost public sector jobs at a rate twice that of the nation as a whole, the report says. Inland areas aren't helping either -- between June 2010 and June 2011, the Inland Empire lost 10,300 jobs.

Finally, inflation-adjusted earnings in California declined 1.9% between 2006 and 2010, the report says, making a typical worker have less purchasing power in 2010 than at any point in the last 10 years.

"Coupled with the latest figures showing extremely slow growth in the national economy, these state trends make it clear that we're a long way from a recovery that makes a real difference for California's workers and their families," said the report's author, Alissa Anderson, deputy director of the California Budget Project.


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Libs will say anything. No lie is too big as long as they get what they want. Liberalism/socialism and reality do not mix well.


Practice Squad
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You can get a balanced budget simply by deferring spending to a later date. A balanced budget doesn't necessarily indicate sustainable spending in the long run. The sustainability of spending is determined by the growth of the private sector relative to the public sector. California is shedding public sector jobs because its level of spending isn't sustainable.


Pro Bowler
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Who pays for those things? I will tell you who. The same people that will be forced to pay for the health care of fat, stupid, lazy people. Fat people are an astronomical burden on the health care system.

Right. So are poor people. Already! Thank goodness for Obamacare socializing the costs to drive them down.


In the Rotation
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SP lives in an ideological state where he exchanges things that work for things that sound good.


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Unfortunately we all live in an ideological state. You hear it all the time, especially from the tech sector: the newest commodities are not products but ideas. The lack of tangible products and the creativity needed to create something new and useful has civilization mining psychology like never before, selling fantasies and intangible ideas for people to idle away their lives in mindless pursuits. It's how an entire generation was raised and knows nothing other than what it was indoctrinated with.

Look at out politicians. Nothing more than inexperienced idealists selling ideas to a population that thinks ideas are enough to deserve their trust and worse, do their work with little to no scrutiny.
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