haha. I guess you just hate the poor.
I think a great question at this point would be: what is the time frame of this scale? Has it always been this way? Is it a consequence of a President from 30 years ago, while a much lauded President and his economic record of more recent times is somehow leap frogged?
How do you know the success of a mans labors? Is it the fruits borne and what he leaves his successors? Or what he did for his own name and legacy?
Let's see:
Reagan inherited a sad state of a nation in turmoil and left his successors with much breathing room to grow and prosper this nation to the pinnacle of it's very existence.
What did the Clinton years bear? A crippled housing market, a faltering surplus for his successor and a host of unanswered militant attacks against our nation. Obviously he can't be blamed for his successors failures anymore than Obama's predecessor--- oh wait. never mind.
But hey don't look at the results of a Presidency, listen the alternate version Krugman offers and call yourself informed.
Admittedly, Bush is no Ron but Obama is Carter on roids with much pop culture delusion heaped in to convince people that he really does care about the Middle Class he's gutting as we speak. A people who really think wealth is distributed and not earned. Yeah, sounds great in theory until it starts affecting the dopes championing this idea. Then they can blame Reagan some more.
