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A fine way to put our tax dollars to good use...

The Obama administration spent $70,000 in taxpayer funds airing an ad on Pakistani television. At the time, the administration was making the claim that the Benghazi terrorist attacks were caused by protests against an obscure anti-Islam film released on YouTube.

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It happens with every president. That's why we need to change our political process, more parties, more debate, less rhetoric, more campaign funding reform, eliminate professional lobbyists, etc. We will get the same thing from a republican or democrat. I'm honestly sick of it, nothing gets done, nothing gets solved.


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They all waste money on crap, but geez, don't pay to apologize. What next, pay them to assault us? Oh wait, they're already armed with our equipment.

I dont think the two party system is the problem, it's the degenerates abusing the system to the point of it being unrecognizable. Create a new party and that one will be just as vulnerable to opportunistic criminals. The problem is moral, not foundational systems.
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They all waste money on crap, but geez, don't pay to apologize. What next, pay them to assault us? Oh wait, they're already armed with our equipment.

I dont think the two party system is the problem, it's the degenerates abusing the system to the point of it being unrecognizable. Create a new party and that one will be just as vulnerable to opportunistic criminals. The problem is moral, not foundational systems.
I disagree I think it's both moral and the system. Campaign finance reform, lobbyist reforms, get people who aren't elected by the people out if the political process. Add more parties make the other changes and we have a system where people have a choice and a choice that can be clear based on the candidates values and ideas not who's lining their pockets.


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I don't think the two party system is the problem, I think we are watching the collapse of third two party system. Basically the two parties have met in the middle and are fast losing legitimacy. We are going to be stuck in a rut until a new party rises to challenge the system and the republicans and democrats merge to form a single coalition. Then the political system will be healthy again.

We are just in the middle of its death, and the establishment will not let any new shoots rise to get us back in balance.
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