I'm hoping most of you are not like me, in that you read scouting report after scouting report, opinion after opinion, mock after mock... to the point where it all just becomes a jumbled mess of info in your head and you have no recollection of who said what about what player.
With the draft being such a big business, there's sooooo many draft "guru's" out there.
And opinions can vary sooo very much. Rob Rang tweets to Glorydaysrback that Poe is absolutely NOT a nose tackle. But Walterfootball.com (a semi-respectable site) has Poe as the #1 ranked NT.
If you've paid attention or kept score over the years, who's opinions have you found to be the most credible.
I know no one bats a thousand, and that the draft is very hit or miss. Just wondering who you guys pay the most attention to.
With the draft being such a big business, there's sooooo many draft "guru's" out there.
And opinions can vary sooo very much. Rob Rang tweets to Glorydaysrback that Poe is absolutely NOT a nose tackle. But Walterfootball.com (a semi-respectable site) has Poe as the #1 ranked NT.
If you've paid attention or kept score over the years, who's opinions have you found to be the most credible.
I know no one bats a thousand, and that the draft is very hit or miss. Just wondering who you guys pay the most attention to.