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The Military Religious Freedom founder doesn't mind an Imam speaking at the services of downed Navy Seals?

Whether or not he 'damned' them - which he has no power to do -, why invite him to blab on in Arabic over our dead soldiers? And how long will our men and women fighting, continue to fight when they realize they're fighting for the freedoms of a people who won't even abandon their games and trinkets to recognize what's going on in our country, let alone fight for their own freedom?

Family members of Navy SEALs who died on duty in Afghanistan claim that an Islamic cleric "damned" the servicemen's bodies at their memorial ceremony.

Three families of Navy SEAL Team VI special forces servicemen, along with one family of an Army National Guardsman, appeared at a press conference on Thursday. They revealed information about how and why their sons along with 26 others were killed in a chopper crash in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011, a few months after successfully raiding Osama Bin Laden’s compound and killing the 9/11 terrorist mastermind.

The families of the servicemen say that America’s enemies were determined to strike back at our special forces for Bin Laden’s death, so they are questioning why military brass sent their sons into battle “without special operations aviation and proper air support” immediately after President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden announced to the world that SEAL Team VI killed Bin Laden.

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