Woketardism is a fucking disease. Trump/Vance are hopefully the cure.
This is a fucking disgrace. The vid clip of JD's reaction is awesome.
The problem I see with folks like this is they make the mistake of trying to enforce their faith upon others not to mention masking their attack in the guise of a prayer. In an idealistic way, I like the notion of saving the whole world, the reality is we can't and its not selfish to clean our own house before we start working on others. To me, the current immigration situation is like the mother with a baby on a plane who is told to put the oxygen mask on herself first because if she passes out, her baby will perish as well. To an outsider this could look selfish but in reality it has to be done this way to give both the best chance of survival.
The US needs to clean our house, our finances, our immigration policies, government mismanagement and inefficiency and bring manufacturing back to the US then we entertain opening doors wider to immigrants.
Its fine if you want to turn your own cheek but when you're responsible for representing the entire country, you cant force them to turn theirs