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Really? Um.. he's a boy. How can you sue for treating a boy like a boy? These "parents" have some serious issues.

Kathryn and Jeremy Mathis are the proud parents of five kids: a 9-year-old girl, a 2-year-old girl, and 6-year-old triplets.

When the triplets were born, it appeared they had two boys, Max and Coy, and one girl, Lily. But by the time the kids were 18 months old, that equation was being called into question.

While Max was the typical boy — his current obsession is dinosaurs — Coy liked princess dresses and high heels. The Mathises tried to appease Coy, buying pink boys' clothes, but by the time the child entered school it was becoming clear that this wasn't just a phase.

Coy threw fits when asked to put on boys' clothes to go on outings. The child was teased by peers when she insisted that she was a girl. One day, Coy came home completely devastated that her teacher had moved her from the "girls' line" to the "boys' line" during a classroom activity.

"She came home and said, 'My teacher doesn’t even know that I’m a girl!'” Kathryn remembers.

That was the last straw. The family headed to the doctor and the psychologist, who told them that they needed to let Coy be herself. Given that Coy had always acted in a feminine matter, no one in the family was particularly surprised or upset.



Pro Bowler
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tough situation for everyone. You have to support the parents right to let the kid be what it is but at the same time you can't mandate the rest of society capitulate to your every need. And they obviously can't just have special bathrooms for 6 year olds who think they might be transgendered.

IDK the psychology behind it really. My niece recently came out. Her entire life she has wanted to dress like a boy. Before puberty it was just recognized as tomboyish but when she got closer to maturing it was obvious this was her preference. Her stepmom really opposed it and demanded she stop wearing jeans and black t-shirts and dress like a girl. All that does is make the kid miserable.

Transgenders who were born male are not "boys/men" and it's offensive to them to say that simply because they were born with a certain set of parts. The human sexual scale is far more gray than the black and white shit the uneducated are used to. I just have no idea if it's possible for 6 year olds who aren't sexually developed to be "transgendered".


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Transgenders who were born male are not "boys/men" and it's offensive to them to say that simply because they were born with a certain set of parts. The human sexual scale is far more gray than the black and white shit the uneducated are used to. I just have no idea if it's possible for 6 year olds who aren't sexually developed to be "transgendered".


Where does one receive such an enlightening education on how to discern if the balls you're seeing belong to a male or a female?

Is it an accredited institution that provides degrees and such? Are the professors biologists? Anthropologists? And if an age determines such a thing wouldn't it more than likely be a psychological thing rather than biological and there's no need for anyone to be offended by being identified with their biological 'parts'?

I was born with blonde hair, but dammit I'm a brunette!
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My niece is a lesbian.



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Where does one receive such an enlightening education on how to discern if the balls you're seeing belong to a male or a female?

I think you just ask. At a certain age the way they dress probably gives it away. I've never been confused about what sex an adult transgender is.

Is it an accredited institution that provides degrees and such? Are the professors biologists? Anthropologists? And if an age determines such a thing wouldn't it more than likely be a psychological thing rather than biological and there's no need for anyone to be offended by being identified with their biological 'parts'?

If you don't identify as a man then you'll probably be offended if others try to identify you as one.


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Actually reading more articles it doesn't look like the school has a leg to stand on, professionally or legally.

The kid has been analyzed by a professional:

A psychologist confirmed then that Coy was indeed transgender, at which point, noted Jeremy, “We really needed to let Coy be who she was.”
“The change in Coy after she transitioned at school was just amazing,” Kathryn said. “The anxiety went away, the depression went away. She became happy.”

Turns out the bathroom ban was also a violation of Colorado law, noted one of the Mathis’s lawyers, Michael Silverman, executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, based in New York City. The Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination against transgender students in public schools. And the state is just one of 16 states with similar laws. Just this week in Massachusetts, the department of education mandated that transgender students have the right to choose which bathroom they will use.
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Schools keep getting fucked by these weird debates. Just let everyone do anything
And if some genius says he's transgendered but is afraid of the surgery then so be it


Pro Bowler
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Yeah, the school is caught between a rock and some other rock. Sounds like they were fine for a while but then some born-again bitch probably got a stick in her ass and said "no ur boy cant pee in the same place as my girl".


Pro Bowler
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try stepping outside of your suburban-white-hetero-withtwokidsandadog world sometime, honkey. you might learn something


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Yeah, the school is caught between a rock and some other rock. Sounds like they were fine for a while but then some born-again bitch probably got a stick in her ass and said "no ur boy cant pee in the same place as my girl".

Yea, that is who created the situation.

They could have just taught their fag to pee in the boys room, givin that he is a boy and all. They could have made some effort to accomodate society norms.

Dont want your boy to dress like a man, fine. Still doesnt mean you cant teach him to pee in the right stall.


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try stepping outside of your suburban-white-hetero-withtwokidsandadog world sometime, honkey. you might learn something
I am not the one who doesnt understand simple semantics. Just because you have all the parts of a man doesnt make you a man. Well it sorta does, because last time I checked the definition of man was not if you act like gary cooper, it is if you have a dick (though maybe it should be the former).
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