If you’re asking what I think you’re asking, it’s because there is no left or right. It’s all just political theater. Whomever gets in will do so regardless of what we think or vote. The result will be the same: trending toward Europe level taxation, packaged in promises and a diminished U.S..
Just listen to all of these shit-heads making promises they can never keep. Free stuff, border wall; more free stuff, equal rights for every individual identity. All these promises that require funding, all funded through taxation. Then he/she/it can complain about ‘Congress’ blocking efforts and having an excuse for accomplishing none of their campaign promises while keeping the tax dollars they’d collected.
Seriously consider this: if Trump is appealing, think just how far things have sunk. A TV personality who craves attention, lacks humility, honesty; consistency of vision/ethic and genuine self control. He’s saying things. Things people want to hear. Every man should be wary of people who tell him what he wants to hear. But they’re not.
I'm not sure why anyone would be opposed to this. I'm pretty much content with letting others live how they choose so long as they do the same for me. You do you, and I'll do me. I have no idea where this sense of entitlement came from that allows some people to try and dictate how other people will live.
Sounds like you need to join me in voting Libertarian. I was thinking I wouldn't vote, but really if a third party can pull 10%+ it could be a game changer.I honestly hope no one shows up for the election this fall. I want to see a disgustingly low voter turnout. Both sides are positioning for the "anyone but Hillary" / "anyone but Trump" battle. As usual, I won't partake. I refuse to vote based on the idea of choosing the "least worst" candidate. At this point I'm fed up enough that I would probably consider voting for the worst option just out of spite. The only problem is between Hillary and Trump, I can't even say who the fuck that would be.
Because it's not only impossible in the long run, it's divisive and petulant. We're already guaranteed equal rights by virtue of our constitution, making demands to be recognized further for what your emotions are is proven psychosis as well as it creates sub-sets of societies that are diving this country. United we stand, and all that truth that is being ignored while American businesses are being punished for not falling in step with this nonsense.
Our country has enough problems and divisions. Is it good for corporations and asshole celebrities stepping into the political arena to hinder sovereign state ideology by trying to hit their economies? Of course not. But that's what we get when government/political lines cross signals with personal matters.
The assholes feeding in to it for votes are disingenuous and opportunistic. It has no place at podium. Just another avenue to divert attention from real problems.
What is the deal with all the Trump fear? He can't screw up worse than the idiot that is in there now. It is simple to me, one of the four politicians that sponge off the government or Trump. I am with Trump all the way. The idiots voted a damn community organizer in office. How much worse can it get?
If it's guaranteed by the constitution, I have idea what you're opposing.
So you are understand the risks. Does it matter? Hillary and Obama created ISIS. They were fully briefed on the risks.
ISIS has been around far longer than Obama has been in office. Hell, depending on the source, they predate Bush.
I'm not sure what you're saying... If you're saying Trump can't be any worse, I think that's a paraphrase of famous last words.
His candidacy is intended to do two things: 1. Destroy one political party 2. Make the other awful option seem appealing. That's not a recipe for growth and national unity. He hardly disavow any of the charges of racism against his supporters. Why? Because he's a life-long Democrat who feels he's exposing a truth about the GOP.
The only thing working against him is that Clinton is God-awful and inept. Aside from name recognition, that woman has no political acumen. She's transparent and entirely disingenuous.
I'm not sure what you're saying... If you're saying Trump can't be any worse, I think that's a paraphrase of famous last words.
His candidacy is intended to do two things: 1. Destroy one political party 2. Make the other awful option seem appealing. That's not a recipe for growth and national unity. He hardly disavow any of the charges of racism against his supporters. Why? Because he's a life-long Democrat who feels he's exposing a truth about the GOP.
The only thing working against him is that Clinton is God-awful and inept. Aside from name recognition, that woman has no political acumen. She's transparent and entirely disingenuous.
Trump was a registered republican for years. He only switched sides for a couple years due to the republicans being so bad. He quickly found out both sides are full of shit and went back to being republican.
He's been listing with the winds, first a Dem than a Repub, then a reformer, then an Inde, back to Demmy, now back to Repub.
All this back and forth only states one thing: He's an opportunist who'll say anything to get to the top of the heap. That's say, not do. There's a difference.
He'll vacillate on his wall idea that got everyone excited, and after the first mass slaughter of his administration, he'll be convinced: gun control is needed. Traitors don't present themselves as traitors; he's only appealing because the current creep is so blatantly obvious in his stance against everything traditionally American. Against such a backdrop, a dirty glass will look like a diamond.
I'm not going to sway anyone's vote, what will happen will happen. Just watch and see.
Trump can not be accepted as a modern day democrat. He is not PC enough. I am sick of politicians and lawyers. Trump is a businessman. It will be a welcomed change. He can landed to the moderate Dems, I don't care. I just hope he follows through on exposing the corruption that is going on and I hope he gets a damn wall built. I hope he bitch slaps the Mexican Presudent and makes him lay a few blocks.Probably as accurately as his affiliations could be described.
It's been interesting to see those who detest the left welcome a man who's been left, right, center, and every other position along the political spectrum.
It will be funny to watch how his supporters respond when he really starts trying to capture the left-leaning voters. I wonder how pissed they will get when he starts pandering to independents and moderate democrats.
Since the only real appeal for this election cycle that is left is the entertainment value, I'm hoping for a plot twist where Trump actually turns out to be a Democrat who infiltrated the Republican party to sever the base from it's leadership, capture the Republican vote, and then promptly push a Democratic platform.
M. Night Shamalahalawalan hasn't got shit on this twist.
Trump can not be accepted as a modern day democrat. He is not PC enough. I am sick of politicians and lawyers. Trump is a businessman. It will be a welcomed change. He can landed to the moderate Dems, I don't care. I just hope he follows through on exposing the corruption that is going on and I hope he gets a damn wall built. I hope he bitch slaps the Mexican Presudent and makes him lay a few blocks.