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So you dont have to click the link to read the full tweet:

Mark Cuban, a really dumb guy, who thinks he’s “hot stuff” but he’s absolutely nothing, is now out there saying that I don’t surround myself with strong women. Actually, he is very wrong, I surround myself with the strongest of women - With the understanding that ALL women are great, whether strong or not strong. This guy is such a fool, he’s constantly on Television being critical, and only for the reason that I tuned him out completely while President because he called incessantly. I told him, very pointedly, “Look Mark, I’ve got a lot of things to do, I just can’t be taking so many pointless calls from you.” In any event, that affected him greatly, because he’s a very insecure guy, and a MAJOR LOSER, always has been and always will be! Nobody likes him, nobody respects him, and he’s unattractive both inside and out! He should go back to talk about the person he was forced to support, because I didn’t want it, Lyin’ Kamala Harris. Also, he’s got no clubhead speed! I may, in fact, be surrounded by the strongest women in the World, including Heads of Countries, who make Mark look like a “baby!” All strong women, and women in general, should be very angry about this weak man’s statement.


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That ridiculously stupid press secretary tried to cover for him too and one of the responses was "well it's on video". She still insisted he didnt say it.

These people are exactly like hardcore Marxists, except our people are far dumber than the old Soviet Union.


Pro Bowler
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I have a number of friends who work within the party here in the state (and a couple nationally).

They believe they're up by 4-6pts or so here, but we shall see.

Hope so man, I don't trust the democratic machine and the ridiculous number of people who have captured their minds, case in point:



Defense Wins Championships
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That ridiculously stupid press secretary tried to cover for him too and one of the responses was "well it's on video". She still insisted he didnt say it.

These people are exactly like hardcore Marxists, except our people are far dumber than the old Soviet Union.
The WH Press Secretary emphasized that "I was there in the room"....
Haul her before Congress!!
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