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I'll have to say, his performance pissed me off. He could have easily wiped the floor with her:

You’re going to hear a lot of lies tonight - True. Let’s start with the Charlottsvile ‘fine people’ horse shit, the abortion monitor, the ‘insurrection, etc… Would have shut her down.

Afghanistan - It was an unmitigated disaster under your admnistration, you have no place to talk about it.

If Trump gets in prices will rise/inflation - Have you been shopping lately? Driven a car? Used your heat/AC? Again she has nothing to say on those things.

‘Turn the page’ ‘Move ahead' - Exactly. Enough with career-climbing grifter/politicians. Get a fucking job that doesn't include taxpayers funding your lavish life-style.

And further, don't bother me with abortion, race, gay shit tranny shit, because if our country falls, you won't be aborting anyone conceived as a by product of some third world creep raping your liberal ass and your pronouns won't matter to the person killing you.

End of story.


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The real rules:

1) ABC will chastise Trump at every opportunity
2) ABC will accuse Trump of lying
3) ABC will fawn over Nob Goblin at every opportunity
4) Questions were provided weeks ago for Nob Goblin, and answers thoroughly rehearsed.
5) MSM will declare Nob Goblin the winner regardless of answers to questions
6) MSM will report a never before heard of 20 pts Nob Goblin "bump" in polls, within 5 mins of end of debate
Nailed it


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He's getting too defensive and avoiding direct questions
It was rigged.

I didnt watch it because I knew what was going to happen and I didnt want to blow a gasket, throw my TV or just stroke out and die in my chair.

I've been watching a lot of the clips and analysis today, and it seems the only real consensus is how blatantly biased the ABC Moderators were. Even news agencies from other countries are blasting ABC. These libtard hacks fact checked Trump repeatedly (and lied about some of those) and didnt fact check Harris one time. They didnt ask her any difficult policy questions, they didnt ask her to clarify her changing her policies.

Trump and the Republican Party cannot be so stupid that they didnt expect this was the way it was going to be, I can imagine the only reason they agreed to do it was to prevent the media spin of "he is afraid of her"

She really accomplished nothing because most even keeled people with a functioning brain know what last night was about. CNN had a panel of 10 undecided voters on and 6 of them said afterward they were supporting Trump, only 3 said they were getting behind Harris and 1 said they still had not made up their mind. Thats pretty telling in of itself.


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Some thoughts on the debate last night.

Trump is Trump and he is not going to change. It is clear Kamala and the moderators had a plan, whether in cahoots or separately, to get under Trump's skin and throw him off his game. I would have coached Trump not to take the bait, but who thinks that would work?

Trump likes to the the story about the scorpion and the frog or the snake. And yet, when it comes to the media, Trump is the victim of the snake. EVERY TIME. He agrees to do interviews or debates with hostile moderators and then the act hostile he complains about it. Sure, were were pleasantly surprised that CNN did not do what ABC did, but I am starting to think that was intentional because Democrats wanted Biden to fail miserably so they could oust him. The hostility of the ABC moderators was totally predictable. The snake is a snake. Complaining about ABC now sounds like sour grapes.

The question is, how long will Republicans accept this kind of bias against them. Cut ABC off from interviews, debates, etc. and send them a message. Anyone who will not be fair will not be given access. End of story.

Also, why not force Kamala to do the 2nd debate on Fox News with moderators chosen by Trump? Why is Trump a chicken for not doing an ABC interview while Democrat candidates never appear on Fox?

Finally, Trump supporters need to stop lowering the bar for Democrats before the debates. Before the Biden debate the commentary lowered the bar for Biden to the point all he had to do is show up and not look senile and he won. Of course he couldn't do that but the point is still the same. Before the Kamala debate the lowered the bar to the point Kamala just had to not look senile like Biden and she won. Kamala is not senile, of course. She is vacuous, but all she had to do is memorize a few answers for some issues and prepare a little bit and she would get through the debate without any problems.

It is better to under promise and over deliver than to over promise and under deliver. Trump got this backwards last night.


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One other point. People are talking about how Kamala got away with lying last night while Trump was constantly fact-checked. How is this any different than this entire campaign so far? Kamala and Democrats have repeatedly lied multiple times and the media has never stopped them or called them out. Why did anyone expect it would be different during the debate.

Sun Tzu said, "the battle is won before it is fought." Trump charged into this debate with braggadocio, but he should have been better prepared for the battle he would have to fight, or better yet, he should have avoided it altogether.


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It was rigged.

I didnt watch it because I knew what was going to happen and I didnt want to blow a gasket, throw my TV or just stroke out and die in my chair.

I've been watching a lot of the clips and analysis today, and it seems the only real consensus is how blatantly biased the ABC Moderators were. Even news agencies from other countries are blasting ABC. These libtard hacks fact checked Trump repeatedly (and lied about some of those) and didnt fact check Harris one time. They didnt ask her any difficult policy questions, they didnt ask her to clarify her changing her policies.

Trump and the Republican Party cannot be so stupid that they didnt expect this was the way it was going to be, I can imagine the only reason they agreed to do it was to prevent the media spin of "he is afraid of her"

She really accomplished nothing because most even keeled people with a functioning brain know what last night was about. CNN had a panel of 10 undecided voters on and 6 of them said afterward they were supporting Trump, only 3 said they were getting behind Harris and 1 said they still had not made up their mind. Thats pretty telling in of itself.
But his reactions weren't rigged or scripted. He's not new to this, he knew who he was dealing with in the liberal media. If he can't learn to navigate the obvious traps of low intellect clowns like ABC and Kamala Harris, his policies are not going to matter. If he continues to allow the narrative to be set by said low intellect clowns, he's going to blend in and his message is going to be lost.


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But his reactions weren't rigged or scripted. He's not new to this, he knew who he was dealing with in the liberal media. If he can't learn to navigate the obvious traps of low intellect clowns like ABC and Kamala Harris, his policies are not going to matter. If he continues to allow the narrative to be set by said low intellect clowns, he's going to blend in and his message is going to be lost.
There was only so much he could reasonably do. He was up against the machine.

Again, he isnt stupid. They knew this was the way it was going to be. He went on there to show he is ballsy and doesnt care what kind of fight comes to him. He knew he was in a no win situation with the network and MSM perception and did it anyway.

I doubt there will be another debate, she reportedly said she wants another one but she already was offered a chance to do two more (one on FOX News) and declined them both. Trump said he'd consider doing a 2nd one and mentioned possibly doing it on FOX News, but said he would not do it if it was Martha McCallum and Brett Baier as moderators (which is the right thing for him to say)

I doubt it moved the needle for anyone last night. Mindless libtards were always going to vote for her, the vast majority of Republicans and Conservatives will vote for Trump. Trump has improved his standing with all demographics of the electorate and she is polling behind both Hillary and Biden at similar points from 2016 and 2020. Unless its an epic level of corruption and stealing, Trump is going to win.


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It all starts with the premise that J6 was anything more than a protest that got out of hand. Trump had no more responsibility for that than Kamala does for Trump's assassination. But the point is, ABC allowed her to repeat debunked lies while the fact checked Trump on statements he made that are true. In fact, even after the debate, they are fact checking Trump and rewriting history claiming some of his true statements are lies. We are on the path to Orwell's 1984. This situation with the media is not going to get better. It is not going to correct itself. The media is in the hands of sinister power hungry people and if they are not stopped they will take over.


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It all starts with the premise that J6 was anything more than a protest that got out of hand. Trump had no more responsibility for that than Kamala does for Trump's assassination. But the point is, ABC allowed her to repeat debunked lies while the fact checked Trump on statements he made that are true. In fact, even after the debate, they are fact checking Trump and rewriting history claiming some of his true statements are lies. We are on the path to Orwell's 1984. This situation with the media is not going to get better. It is not going to correct itself. The media is in the hands of sinister power hungry people and if they are not stopped they will take over.
Funny you mention that, because when Trump mentioned the assassination attempt and that he felt Dem rhetoric was partly to blame, the mods slammed him and said they had to move on.


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I think he is referring to the focus group I read about this morning. There were 10 of them and 6 actually said they were now voting for Trump, 3 for Nob Goblin and 1 still undecided.

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