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...Well...The state run "Media" is attempting to completely erase Kamala Lala Ding Dongs political record, separating Her from all things Biden. In unison, they are promoting Her as a Fresh and new candidate....."The Prosecutor against the Felon!"...In reality she is of the extreme Far Left, and she makes the card carrying Communist Bernie Sanders look like a Moderate!...I hope Trump destroys Her in any upcoming debates!...and P.S the "Media" has already walked Her down as the Boarder Czar- Saying it it's now only Republican lies...Here is a little reality pic for all you "Undecided."
ooowww...I see someone doesn't agree!...Well this is still America, so get over it!...smh!


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Now they haven't just erased the 7/13 stuff, they basically erased Trump completely.

We have never seen anything like this in our country. If the Dems win this election we are 100% done as a country forever. Only a Civil War/1776 situation would save us at that point.



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There's no way this dim-bulb wins anything without a rigged election. I've never seen more inept candidates, the likes of her and Joe Biden, that no one really likes. They have no rational platform and they have to run on clown topics of abortion, race-baiting and gender confusion.

Unfortunately, there are a number of demented Leftists who will throw their support behind this shit-show, but they are far outnumbered.

IDK how effective it will be, but it's a step in the right direction:

I think we will see massive rigging in Michigan and PA again. It may take just those two states to stop Trump. We already know Michigan Democrats will do whatever it takes to give the win to Kamala, and the same it true in PA.
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I believe that Trump is saved. I believe that Trump was saved before the elevator ride in 2015.
Why I care little for the stories of what Mr. Trump's relation to women was when he was unsaved.

I look at his life in office beginning in 2017 through now, and I do not see a man having affairs.
The press with TDS would gleefully love to report such, but there just isn't, SINCE HE HAS BEEN SAVED.
Trump is Pro-Life, and Pro- Israel, and Pro-America and Pro Good American jobs... FOR ALL.

That's Good Enough for me.


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Research has shown that these insects routinely dance in circles on top of their feasts of dung to help navigate away from rival beetles as quickly as possible. As scientists looked for this dancing, they noticed the beetles climbed onto the excrement balls most often during the midday heat.

Now researchers find that dung beetles might also use excrement to keep themselves cool.

Kamala New Yorker.jpg


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Lt Col Robert "Buzz" Patterson was on Tim Pool tonight. He says that Kamala is Hillary Clinton 2.0. He does not think highly of HRC.

He should know. He was assigned to the White House to "carry the Nuclear Football" for 2 years during the Clinton Administration. He was witness to lots of behind the scenes interactions.



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Does anyone know if Steve Bannon is in prison?

Ive read he had to report but then nothing as to whether he actually did and is currently serving time and my Google skills arent helping


Defense Wins Championships
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Does anyone know if Steve Bannon is in prison?

Ive read he had to report but then nothing as to whether he actually did and is currently serving time and my Google skills arent helping
Steve Bannon is behind bars related to refusing to testify to Congress.
He is a Political Prisoner of the Democrat Party.


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Steve Bannon is behind bars related to refusing to testify to Congress.
He is a Political Prisoner of the Democrat Party.
Thx, do you know anything about the case where he is accused of defrauding people who gave to some build the wall org?

If so, what are the issues and how credible are the claims?


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Lt Col Robert "Buzz" Patterson was on Tim Pool tonight. He says that Kamala is Hillary Clinton 2.0. He does not think highly of HRC.

He should know. He was assigned to the White House to "carry the Nuclear Football" for 2 years during the Clinton Administration. He was witness to lots of behind the scenes interactions.

Harris is not Hillary and not even close. Hillary is corrupt, dishonest, and nasty, but she is not stupid. Kamala is stupid, vacuous is the word I like to use to describe her. She is also an opportunist.

Watch Harris when they ask her a question she is not prepared for. She freezes, and then she starts talking like a 2nd grade teacher. You ask her about inflation and she starts her answer by telling you in idiot terms what inflation is. She does this because she doesn't know the answer to the question so she stalls by giving you her baby talk. Then comes the word salad, but rarely does she give an answer to the question.

She is the classic empty suit. She never has anything new or interesting to say. She has no positions because she does not understand the subject matter well enough to take a position, other than the one that will garner her the votes she needs.

When Lester Holt reminder he she had not been to the border after she said, "we've been to the border", she responded, after a pause, "I haven't been to Europe either!" It is a non-sequitur. This is a mini-IQ test where the response should be logically derived from the question. She failed. Imagine her speaking with Putin or Xi and responding to their points with this logic. It is dangerous.


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Kamala Harris is a natural born American citizen. Since the courts ruled that the children of immigrants, legal or otherwise, are American citizens by birth, or anchor babies, every single baby born in the US to legal or illegal immigrants is eligible to be president of the United States if they meet the other conditions in the constitution.


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Harris is not Hillary and not even close. Hillary is corrupt, dishonest, and nasty, but she is not stupid. Kamala is stupid, vacuous is the word I like to use to describe her. She is also an opportunist.

Watch Harris when they ask her a question she is not prepared for. She freezes, and then she starts talking like a 2nd grade teacher. You ask her about inflation and she starts her answer by telling you in idiot terms what inflation is. She does this because she doesn't know the answer to the question so she stalls by giving you her baby talk. Then comes the word salad, but rarely does she give an answer to the question.

She is the classic empty suit. She never has anything new or interesting to say. She has no positions because she does not understand the subject matter well enough to take a position, other than the one that will garner her the votes she needs.

When Lester Holt reminder he she had not been to the border after she said, "we've been to the border", she responded, after a pause, "I haven't been to Europe either!" It is a non-sequitur. This is a mini-IQ test where the response should be logically derived from the question. She failed. Imagine her speaking with Putin or Xi and responding to their points with this logic. It is dangerous.

She hasn't been to the border either, what's your point?
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