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I have a serious question. This latest video of Obama walking Biden off stage at a fundraiser is getting a lot of attention because some conservatives are claiming Biden was "frozen" again and Obama had to alert him to walk off stage. Democrats of course are claiming it is a "deep fake". My question is this, forget the freezing, which is troubling, but not my focus. Can you name another individual that walks like Biden? I am referring to his gate, stiffness, and zombie-like movements. He is 81, but he walks like a much older and unhealthy person. Democrats are gaslighting us on this question. Biden is clearly not fit to run for office. But I would like to hear some answers to my question. Who else walks like Biden?
The WH dipshit press secretary just claimed all of these clips where Biden fucks up or shits himself are deep fakes, even though many are direct clips from the WH feeds or Libtard/MSM postings.

None of them are deep fakes and everyone with a brain knows it.


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The WH dipshit press secretary just claimed all of these clips where Biden fucks up or shits himself are deep fakes, even though many are direct clips from the WH feeds or Libtard/MSM postings.

None of them are deep fakes and everyone with a brain knows it.
Of course they are not fakes, and the WH knows it. They also know Biden is struggling which is why he climbs the baby stairs on Air Force 1 and why his aides surround him when he walks to the chopper - to prevent the media from taking videos of him walking like an Alzheimer's patient. They also know this is hurting him which is why they are making such an effort to cover it up and deny it.

But my point is, even if the freezing is not real, look at him walk. My mother was 89 when he died. She didn't walk like that. I knew a guy in his mid 80s that bowled in our bowling league. He smoked Chesterfield Kings his entire adult life and looked more fit than Joe Biden. The only people I have seen walk like that are the mentally deficient and unhealthy elderly. The freezing and gaffe, slurred speech, forgetting things like a US congresswoman who died, AND his gate when he walks, are all symptoms of something going wrong with his brain. Of course everyone makes a mistake now and then. But with Biden it is every time he is in public even though he is controlled more than any president in history. There is no chance he lasts 40 more years. In fact, I suspect he won't make it 2 more years. If we knew the truth, chances are he would be 25th amendmented out of office already.


Pro Bowler
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Probably so. He's never explained how this happens and numerous people I have seen posting have complained about it.

Apparently however it does NOT happen the other way (Libs flooded with conservative stuff)

makes sense, none of the foreign countries that seek our demise benefit from most conservative beliefs and ideas plus the people in this country will just block people they don't agree with, making it harder to flood with spam but I'm sure its happened to several democrats in some capacity


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and yet the fucktards at FOX News ran a headline for two days claiming Biden was leading Trump everywhere.

They still hate Trump and honestly their fucktard "news" channel is no better than the rest of MSM (and has been that way for several yrs now). It's why I refuse to watch them.



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and yet the fucktards at FOX News ran a headline for two days claiming Biden was leading Trump everywhere.

They still hate Trump and honestly their fucktard "news" channel is no better than the rest of MSM (and has been that way for several yrs now). It's why I refuse to watch them.

I am not believing any polls. They are all rigged one way or another. The only poll that counts is the one in November - and that assume the Democrats don't rig that one too.


Pro Bowler
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and yet the fucktards at FOX News ran a headline for two days claiming Biden was leading Trump everywhere.

They still hate Trump and honestly their fucktard "news" channel is no better than the rest of MSM (and has been that way for several yrs now). It's why I refuse to watch them.

I dont trust it and expect to be fully disappointed come November


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The "polls" of common fucking sense say there's no way Biden is, or can win.

Those same polls also know there was no way in fucking hell Biden got 81 million votes in 2020


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The "polls" of common fucking sense say there's no way Biden is, or can win.

Those same polls also know there was no way in fucking hell Biden got 81 million votes in 2020
Whatever the polls show, it appears there is a large percentage of people in this country that care only about winning. They will vote for Biden despite the problems at the border, despite inflation, despite the chance of war in Europe, despite his insanity, despite his administration violating the 1st amendment rights of Americans, despite, his ignoring the Supreme Court on student loans, and despite him using the DOJ to jail his political enemies. These voters will vote away their constitutional rights and the future of this country just to win. But what do they really win if in the end they pay higher taxes, higher prices, have less freedom, and less democracy?

I always wondered how in Orwell's 1984, the Party was able to gain such tyrannical control of what used to be free people. But I think we are seeing how it may have happened right now. Almost half the people are willingly handing the government their freedom because they hate Emmanuel Goldstein more than they love freedom.


Defense Wins Championships
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Decide for yourself what you believe...

Can We Print Endless Money? Debate Over Modern Monetary Theory



Defense Wins Championships
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Miriam Adelson gives pro-Ted Cruz super PAC $1 million

The donation from Adelson, also the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, was the largest single contribution in May to the Truth and Courage PAC, a super PAC supporting Cruz’s reelection.



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If you noticed, the Trump jury has been absolutely silent since convicting Trump, and there was no mention of the underlying crime in their verdict. I will guarantee you that after this ruling by the SCOTUS, the jury will make a statement through the judge that their verdict was unanimous on the underlying charge.


Super Moderator
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Whatever the polls show, it appears there is a large percentage of people in this country that care only about winning. They will vote for Biden despite the problems at the border, despite inflation, despite the chance of war in Europe, despite his insanity, despite his administration violating the 1st amendment rights of Americans, despite, his ignoring the Supreme Court on student loans, and despite him using the DOJ to jail his political enemies. These voters will vote away their constitutional rights and the future of this country just to win. But what do they really win if in the end they pay higher taxes, higher prices, have less freedom, and less democracy?

I always wondered how in Orwell's 1984, the Party was able to gain such tyrannical control of what used to be free people. But I think we are seeing how it may have happened right now. Almost half the people are willingly handing the government their freedom because they hate Emmanuel Goldstein more than they love freedom.

None of this would be possible without controlling the mail in votes with fraud. In any normal election year, this would be a landslide.


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Listening to the pro deficit speaker, I had the same reaction as this guy:

View attachment 14272

Very scary. The service on the national debt has reached $1 trillion. That means we are spending $750 billion more on interest today than we did when interest rates were near zero 4 years ago. That money had to come from somewhere. And this number is going to continue to increase because as the dollar devalues, and it will, we will have to pay more interest to satisfy lenders.

The biggest threat to the US is our own arrogance, or the idea that bad things cannot happen here because we are too great. The signs are already out there. The IMF already warned us to get spending and inflation under control because it is destabilizing. How much longer before they start to take action to protect the rest of the world from US inflation? It can happen here and it will happen here. When it does, the same people claiming deficits and debt don't matter will point the fingers everywhere else but at themselves. You know who supports MMT? AOC. That should tell you everything you need to know about MMT.


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If you noticed, the Trump jury has been absolutely silent since convicting Trump, and there was no mention of the underlying crime in their verdict. I will guarantee you that after this ruling by the SCOTUS, the jury will make a statement through the judge that their verdict was unanimous on the underlying charge.
I could see that...but there are still plenty of other grounds for SCOTUS to overturn.
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