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That's the problem. They are all serial liars. This case against Trump is so weak and ridiculous it astonishes me that the judge is actually allowing it to move forward.

Consider the facts. Bragg is claiming that the reimbursements paid to Michael Cohen that were classified as "Legal Fees" constitutes fraud because they were actually payoffs to Stormy Daniels and because Michael Cohen was not Trump's attorney at the time. This is a misdemeanor. But Bragg elevated this misdemeanor to a felony claiming the fraud was to cover up another crime. He is arguing it was election related because Trump wanted to hide the Stormy Daniels story from the voters.

First question. How is it a crime for a candidate to hide bad stuff about him from the public? And how can Bragg prove the married Trump was only worried about his election and not also his marriage? Finally, what if the accusations by Daniels is not true? What if Trump did not have sex with the porn star? After all, she and her lawyer both signed sworn statements that it never happened? Then Trump wouldn't be cover up a fact, He would be covering up a smear campaign against him.

I have no idea how this case remains active but it is clear that in NY the system is rigged. Trump did not get the judges in his cases by random draw. They were assigned because they are anti-Trump and the system is rigged. Any objective judge would throw this case out, especially since the SDNY investigated this case and chose not to bring any charges - because the case is stupid.

None of this matters because the jury pool will be from Democrat strongholds. And that's what the left is betting on. And then you have judges like Cannon and that tool in Atlanta who are afraid to be called homers so they ride the fense instead of calling these cases what they actually are. Our judicial and justice system is completely broken....


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None of this matters because the jury pool will be from Democrat strongholds. And that's what the left is betting on. And then you have judges like Cannon and that tool in Atlanta who are afraid to be called homers so they ride the fense instead of calling these cases what they actually are. Our judicial and justice system is completely broken....
You hit the nail on the head. The judges who aren't completely compromised are afraid to do the right thing. Cannon should absolutely dismiss the case in Florida on selective prosecution grounds. She should have dismissed in on the vagueness of the law. She won't because she is afraid of the repercussions. Fani should have been disqualified. Her egregious acts of corruption and dishonesty she get her disbarred. But, again, nothing will happen because the judge is afraid of the blowback from the left, and he is up for re-election - which is why judges should be appointed, not elected.


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Liberals heads explode in 3...2....1

"ughhhhh arghhhh aaaahhhhhh I'll never use that airport again!!!!!"


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I may be in the minority, but IO don't think we should name anything after anyone until they have been dead for 50 years or more. Let their reputation stand the test of time before we name something after them. I would be fine with never naming anything after anyone. Andrew Cuomo had the replacement for the NY Tappan Zee Bridge named after his father, Mario, who was one of the original obnoxious NY liberal democrats. He was an awful person.


Defense Wins Championships
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I may be in the minority, but IO don't think we should name anything after anyone until they have been dead for 50 years or more. Let their reputation stand the test of time before we name something after them. I would be fine with never naming anything after anyone. Andrew Cuomo had the replacement for the NY Tappan Zee Bridge named after his father, Mario, who was one of the original obnoxious NY liberal democrats. He was an awful person.


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What a liar. The Supreme Court already ruled that the Federal Government, specifically the executive branch, has sole authority over immigrations policy. Biden can shut the border down with the stroke of a pen. But it is clear this administration is deliberately flooding the country with illegal aliens. The damage they are doing is going to snowball until we have a catastrophe.


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Next week Trump goes on trial for felony fraud in NYC. In case you haven't been following, Trump is charged with defrauding voters because he tried to cover up an affair with Stormy Daniels before the election by paying her $130,000 to sign an NDA. According to Alvin Bragg, Trump committed felony fraud when he classified payments to Michael Cohen as "Legal Fees" when they were actually reimbursements for the $130,000 Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels. Trump actually paid Cohen more than $400,000 in over 30 installments.

The theory is that Trump tried to cover up the alleged affair, thereby defrauding voters. This is not a joke folks. This is Bragg's case against Trump. And, the fix is in. How do we know? We know because no serious judge would allow this trash case in his court room. The feds investigated this case and chose not to bring charges - because there is no crime. Candidates always try to hide their dirty laundry from voters. In this case, all we have is allegations of an affair. But Stormy and her lawyer both signed affidavits that there was no affair.

Just how stupid is this case? Let's start with the fact that congress had a slush fund, paid for by the taxpayers, for the very purpose of paying off victims of sexual harassment or assault to remain silent. We have no idea who used this fund because congress has kept it hidden from the public. Everyone who participated in the use of this fund did exactly what Trump is accused of doing, with the blessings of congress!

What else? Well how about 51 ex-intelligence officials who wrote a letter published in the major newspapers claiming the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation to cover up potential corruption in the Biden family, including candidate Joe? How about the media that refused to report the story for the same reason? All fraud, according to Alvin Brag. In fact, those acts were more fraudulent than what Trump did because they all outright lied.

I suspect Bragg and the judge know Trump cannot get a fair trial in NYC. There is no chance they can find jurors who will act in good faith. This case will fall apart on appeal, but before that happens, Trump will be a convicted felon. Republicans better learn quickly that Democrats are fighting a war. It is not longer a political game.


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Trump cannot attend his own son's Graduation now.

The nonsense of the left has gotten to a level never before seen in our country. Between the fraud/police state nonsense (worldwide) of Covid, the OBVIOUSLY stolen 2020 and 2022 elections, the 8 years persecution of Trump and the absolutely mind boggling J6 garbage, we have watched the destruction of our country.

They are going to steal this election too.

Our country is over unless sane minded people all band together and put an end to this garbage once and for all.


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Trump cannot attend his own son's Graduation now.

The nonsense of the left has gotten to a level never before seen in our country. Between the fraud/police state nonsense (worldwide) of Covid, the OBVIOUSLY stolen 2020 and 2022 elections, the 8 years persecution of Trump and the absolutely mind boggling J6 garbage, we have watched the destruction of our country.

They are going to steal this election too.

Our country is over unless sane minded people all band together and put an end to this garbage once and for all.

Well, the judge has not ruled on it yet so he still may allow Trump to go to his son's graduation, but everything else about this trial stinks to high heavens. Forcing Trump to be in court every day takes him off the campaign trail, which I think is the goal of the judges decision, and yes, it is election interference.

You can see what this trial is about. The law is not on the side of the prosecution. Bragg is arguing that Trump concealing an allegation of an affair with Stormy Daniels amounts to fraud. Utter nonsense. All candidates hide dirt about themselves in an election. It's called politics. And while the judge would not allow prosecutors to play the access Hollywood tape in front of jurors, he will allow them to read a transcript of the entire tape in court. Why? What relevance does the AH tape have to this trial which is a business fraud case? The answer is none, but it is clear the trial will be a platform to smear Trump any way they can.

As I said earlier, this case is clearly already fixed. We know this because no honest judge would allow this ridiculous indictment come to his court room. This case should have been dismissed long ago instead of rushed to trial.

But the worst is yet to come. There will come a time when this judge will start dismissing jurors. And you can bet those jurors will be suspected of leaning towards acquitting Trump.
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