Check out the article from the AP that is calling this the “most secure” election in history
Here is part of the statement from election cyber security officials
“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result,” the statement said.
WASHINGTON (AP) — It's hard to put it any more bluntly: "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes or was in any way compromised.”
So a bunch of Biden cronies working in various federal and state positions, who did not investigate anything, are claiming this was the most secure election in history.

. How many of these "coalitions" who write letters making claims and other nonsense are we going to fall for? Remember the 50 ex-intelligence officials who claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, without any evidence? It turns out they were completely wrong. They used their names and positions to add weight to create their own disinformation. This statement from a bunch of Democrats carries the same weight. First, without a comprehensive understanding of the entire election which would take months to analyze, there is no way they can make such a statement. Second, the comment that they have no evidence that votes were changed, blah, blah, blah is about a worthless as a PA ballot mailed after Nov. 3. It was put out their to counter the obvious counting issues that have been identified by a number of people already.
All of these statements mean nothing. All that matters now is to investigate the reports of corruption, and there are already over 300 people who have come forward on the record and signed affidavits claiming they witnessed possible fraud, including a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems who claims she saw the same ballots loaded into counting machines 8 times and on multiple occasions.
Looking at the numbers there are clearly some very unusual statistical anomalies, some with infinitesimal likelihood, that should be investigated. If you are an American why would you not want you elections to be proven trustworthy?