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The blacks came out in droves for Biden, via mail-in ballots.
Everyone came out for Biden, via mail in votes....even dead people. I'd bet Ruth Bader Ginsburg voted for Biden.
The blacks came out in droves for Biden, via mail-in ballots.
TY sir
is there an audit trail and/or an ID# assigned to you so you (or someone on your behalf) cant vote for you?
Are there any controls on the processing side to verify the voter on the ballot has only voted once, is a US citizen, an actual human being, etc?
I thank the good Lord I live in Texas. I could not handle the insanity in the Peoples Republic of California. From everything I have seen and heard California is a beautiful place however it is run like a third world communist country.There was a different ballot number assigned to each of mine and my wife’s ballots. But I don’t see how it is being used. They only use your name when you go to the polls and you only use your name to track it.
There was a ballot trax website that we used to tell us when the ballot was supposedly received. But it did not use our ballot number. We only had to type in our names to check on our ballots.
I will say this, there were reports of people here in CA showing up to vote in person (who never wanted to nor intended to vote by mail) and not being allowed to vote at the polling booth because their “mail in ballot” had already been received and counted.
As for any type of controls on the processing side there weren’t any if you went to the polls in person to drop off your “mail in ballot” or vote in person. If someone wanted to illegally vote all they would need to know is a registered voters name. No ID required to verify that you are the person you are claiming to be. I could go to one poll as myself and vote, then drive a mile or two to another poll and give them my neighbors name and vote, then drive to another poll and give them another persons name if I wanted to.
For the last 3 elections before this one I had to use a provisional ballot to vote because when I got to the polls I was listed as a vote by mail voter. I never requested nor have I ever wanted to vote by mail. So my ballots have been screwed up for over 10 years now. Each time I fill out a form changing my status from mail in to vote in person and each time I show up to the polls I am still listed as a vote by mail voter. The worst part is that I never even receive my “vote by mail” ballots This last election where every registered voter received one here in CA is the first time I’ve ever seen a vote by mail ballot.
I thank the good Lord I live in Texas. I could not handle the insanity in the Peoples Republic of California. From everything I have seen and heard California is a beautiful place however it is run like a third world communist country.
do we know which states did this and is there a reliable source that substantiates this claim?
I do find it funny though. Biden repeats the same talking points and talks about unity and an end to a "grim era of demonization" which was created by him and his party. When you call someone a racist and a Nazi and compare your predecessor to Hitler, you can't tone it back. It split the country and unifying it will not happen, especially by this corpse and especially with such a questionable election.
Do you understand why Trump has been talked about that way?
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I'm not immune some of his criticisms Mr. B but you want those criticisms to be fair. He shoots from the hip, no doubt. But in his own words, he's a counter-puncher. Someone comes at him, he hits back. Would I prefer he be more diplomatic at time? Sure. But sometimes you just have to look someone in the eye who's done you wrong and say "fuck you...." NATO not paying, he calls them out. Germany benefiting from NATO while making back door deals with Russia? He calls them out. China unfairly cheating our businesses, he slaps a tariff. Why was this allowed to go for so many years? This is our tax money at work for goodness sake.
Do you know who Ric Grennell is? First openly gay ambassador to Germany and former Acting Director of National Intelligence. He's tried to work with all groups to improve conditions. You can't deny he's reached out to African-Americans and the Hispanic community. Yes, he's been harsh on immigration but I agree with that, personally.
He's a businessman and I'd bet he had women of all races in high level positions within his business organization. Kelly Ann Conway was a trusted advisor even though her husband hates him. But I digress. He's been called Hitler and a racist. Based on what? He's the biggest supporter Israel has ever had. Over 90% of his coverage on main-stream media has been negative. They tried to impeach him based on a nothing burger while Biden gets a pass for having a prosecutor from Ukraine fired.
Fairness and criticism works both ways. I never thought the guy was flawless.
Can you see any good that he's accomplished?
As for any type of controls on the processing side there weren’t any if you went to the polls in person to drop off your “mail in ballot” or vote in person. If someone wanted to illegally vote all they would need to know is a registered voters name. No ID required to verify that you are the person you are claiming to be. I could go to one poll as myself and vote, then drive a mile or two to another poll and give them my neighbors name and vote, then drive to another poll and give them another persons name if I wanted to.
He’s also called a racist because he panders to white supremacy militia groups and white nationalists.
so could you vote by mail and show and vote in person too?
If not, what controls prevent this from happening?
What specifically has he done in this regard?
FYI-I hate politics and only started following some of this stuff after the hysteria thats ensued over the last few months so I haven't paid attention to much of what he's said or done, so this is a serious question with no motive other than getting an understanding of the evidence supporting the assertion he's a racist and not meant in any way an attack on you and whatever views you may hold
He’s called a racist because of comments he’s made. Like the comments he made about Mexicans, and telling 4 women in congress to go back where they came from (even though 3 were born in the US). He’s also called a racist because he panders to white supremacy militia groups and white nationalists. I understand that you may not see that or may not care that he does that but the world sees that and the majority of the people in this country see that and it’s not acceptable. It’s not going to be tolerated. This is not the 1950’s anymore. This country belongs to us as much as it belongs to anyone else. That’s why he’s called a racist.
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He’s referred to others with similar mindsets as “good people”
There was the “stand back, and stand by” comment that he made when asked to denounce those groups, specifically the proud boys. I know he has since denounced them but that was not his initial reaction. The FBI has labeled these groups as the greatest threat to our society. He’s referred to others with similar mindsets as “good people”, he also tweeted a video of older guy with a Trump flag yelling “white power”.
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You need to do some homework about those comments and listen to the whole clip. Just saying.....
I didn’t know who the “Proud Boys” were until the debate
I hear news outlets calling them a WS type group
But then I saw that their leader Enrique Tarrio identifies himself as Afro-Cuban.
Those two don’t go together.
If the leader is of any Hispanic/black/African decent then that group by its very definition is NOT a white power type group
No white power group would consider allowing a Afro-Cuban in, let alone be their leader
I have done my homework. He’s done it a handful of times. There was the old guy in Florida yelling white power. There was the caravan of trucks with Trump flags that are yelling white power. There was the Charlottesville incident. In all cases he referred to them as good people.
So either he’s pandering to the white supremacy groups/people or he’s too ignorant to see how his comments give groups like that power. Neither can be accepted or tolerated. I don’t believe he’s ignorant so he has to be doing it with a purpose.
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