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Did you see him speak last night? He struggles to get out complete sentences. And when he walks he looks like a 90 year old man. No way he makes it through his first year in office.

Looking at the liberal news this morning, the media seems to be more excited about Harris than Biden. What does that tell you ?

Probably that their hedging their bets he’s gonna be physically gone soon & she’ll be #1. ( mentally he already is )

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Pro Bowler
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That’s why I said earlier in the thread that we just elected our first female President.

It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out. She already vowed to ban ALL assault weapons within the first 100 days in office. Let’s see how that goes over when she finds out how large the gun lobby is.


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First, 4 states are within .6%. Those have to be recounted and should be recounted. But recounts are not going to uncover massive fraud. The problems like not allowing observers into the vote counting rooms, people taking ballots out of the secure room to do who knows what, and similar incidents are not going to result in any changed votes.

People seem to think voter fraud takes place out in the open and if it exists it will be easy to spot. It is not. In fact, most voter fraud is hard to spot. You have to look at data from multiple sources. In 2018 a study found 44,000 people voted in two states, which is illegal and voter fraud. This is so common in some states people openly joke about it. But to find the perpetrators, you have to look at the voting records of every state and compare identities which can be very hard.

If Republicans do anything as a result of this shit show, they must either end mail-in voting as many countries have done because of the problems it presents, or get it cleaned up and done uniformly. For example, some states sent mail-in ballots to every registered voter. That means literally millions of ballots went out to people ineligible to vote in the states that sent the ballots out. Because mail-in voting was implemented hastily, states did not clean up their registration data first, to ensure only eligible voters got a ballot.

But the obvious problem is mail-in ballots are the least secure form of voting. Its less secure than raising your hand. Think about it. Once you fill out your ballot and drop it in the mail, you lose control of it. How many people touch your ballot after that? Who opens it? Who counts it? You have no idea. When you vote at a machine, you control your vote from beginning to end. And that is the way it should be for everyone. Then we remove all the doubt about whether the Chinese printed fake ballots and all the other stuff we are hearing about.


Pro Bowler
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Here ya go Yim

I know here in CA that at least every registered voter received a mail on ballot regardless or your desire to vote by mail. We received ours, completed them, then dropped them off in person instead of mailing them in.


Super Moderator
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do we know which states did this and is there a reliable source that substantiates this claim?

I've heard the same thing and there's no question we had a huge amount of ballot harvesting. It should be illegal and folks have been red flagging this election and voting process for months. My Mom received a ballot solicitation in the mail and she's a registered Democrat and has been for decades. I'm a registered Republican and received nothing. In other words, the ballot box was brought to your house because not many Democrats would wait in line to vote for Biden. This is different than requesting an absentee ballot which is initiated by the voter. My son voted, via absentee ballot, when he was out of state for college.

This is third world country stuff and just a cluster fuck.


Pro Bowler
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do we know which states did this and is there a reliable source that substantiates this claim?

These are the 9 states that sent them out to all registered voters

District of Columbia
New Jersey


Super Moderator
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More votes or a higher percentage of votes over their opponent?

Two drastically different things.

More Americans voted than in any previous election because of the mail in ballots that were sent to every registered voter in the country for the first time ever.

So I can easily see how/why Biden received more votes than anyone before him. If you look at Trumps numbers he broke records for number of overall votes received as well.

But when it comes to the percentage vs your opponent, then that is where the numbers get interesting and start to tell a story

More votes but that's because of ballot harvesting. In a regular election, no way he gets anything near what Obama received. It's a completely unethical means to vote and is ripe for fraud. That simply can not happen here. Trump broke records because his supporters physically voted, for the most part. He energized his base and they showed up. No one energized the left. They were sent a ballot and may or may not have filled it out themselves. The Dems knew that Biden and Harris didn't energize their base like Obama or Clinton so they had to figure out an alternative and here we are.


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I am in no way looking forward to this shitshow that Trump is going to create for the next few months disputing the results of the election.

But I will say this, if he has PROOF and can change the reported outcome in any state to show the corruption then he needs to burn this election to the ground and show the country the level of corruption that is present in our election process.

If we had a vote requiring valid ID I’m pretty certain the results of this election would be drastically different. Just for the fact that you would see a much lower turnout of Dems to vote. But it would also stop the majority of election fraud.

Even if Trump doesn’t turn the results around in his favor from his legal challenges I hope he at least can bring enough of the fraud to light so that the general public finally understands the severity of voter fraud in all its forms. Hell, if he does enough to prove that there was a large number of deceased ppl voting to cause every county to go thru and FINALLY purge their voter rolls i would consider it a major win.

Now, on the flip side, if he doesn’t have the proof of what he is claiming then this will just be an extremely sad time in our history to watch as he throws his temper tantrum.

I'm sick of the shit show myself. Finding proof of election fraud is difficult. Who's going to review and validate millions of ballots? Who's going to interview potentially thousands upon thousands of voters? It's extremely laborious and time consuming.

But I agree 100%. If Trump can bring enough attention to the shit show so this never happens again, it would be a win for the country long term. The election process must have integrity. I don't give a shit about Biden or Trump, but the integrity of the election is of paramount importance.

And I'll say this about "proof." I believe there's enough proof to raise legitimate concerns. People have come forward and provided the Trump team with sworn affidavits. These people are citizens. Any hint of impropriety undermines the integrity of the system. Is it enough to overturn the election or give more states to Trump? Probably not. But we shouldn't fuck with our election process like we did and blame it on Covid. If you can wait in line to pay for a slushie at the 7/11, you can wait in line to vote.


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And while I'm on a roll, doing away with the Trump tax cuts will increase my taxes and I don't make anywhere near $450,000. But what folks also fail to realize is that any tax on gas or an increase in capital gains taxes or inheritance taxes or national tax is the same thing. It may not come out of your paycheck but you'll have less in your checkbook because the cost of goods and services will increase. That means that Mr. B's Colt Malt Liquor or Hennessy might go up in price.


Super Moderator
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It seems some of you assuming the same number of Hispanic and African Americans voted as did in 2016. I know the number of Hispanic people that voted was more than double than those that voted in 2016. So it’s easy to see that Trump would have an increase in the number of Hispanic voters and still lose.

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I believe Trump received a higher percentage of the black and Hispanic vote which is pretty impressive.


High Plains Drifter
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I believe Trump received a higher percentage of the black and Hispanic vote which is pretty impressive.
This doesn't square with the results.. The only place he did well with "hispanics" is the Cubans in Florida. In every border state he massively lost all the counties bordering Mexico, especially in Texas. If he truly did well with them, he wouldn't have been trounced as much in those counties. In fact one only needs to look to 2016 to see he did much better with blacks and hispanics than he did this time. It's a false narrative.

The blacks came out in droves for Biden, via mail-in ballots. They will camp out and spend two nights at Best Buy for the new iPhone but won't stand in line 30 minutes to vote. That's the story of this election. Give the lazy apathetic fucks a way to vote without getting off the futon.


Pro Bowler
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Here ya go Yim

I know here in CA that at least every registered voter received a mail on ballot regardless or your desire to vote by mail. We received ours, completed them, then dropped them off in person instead of mailing them in.

TY sir

is there an audit trail and/or an ID# assigned to you so you (or someone on your behalf) cant vote for you?

Are there any controls on the processing side to verify the voter on the ballot has only voted once, is a US citizen, an actual human being, etc?


Draft Pick
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I believe Trump received a higher percentage of the black and Hispanic vote which is pretty impressive.

You think Trump had more black and Hispanic votes than Biden?

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Draft Pick
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This doesn't square with the results.. The only place he did well with "hispanics" is the Cubans in Florida. In every border state he massively lost all the counties bordering Mexico, especially in Texas. If he truly did well with them, he wouldn't have been trounced as much in those counties. In fact one only needs to look to 2016 to see he did much better with blacks and hispanics than he did this time. It's a false narrative.

The blacks came out in droves for Biden, via mail-in ballots. They will camp out and spend two nights at Best Buy for the new iPhone but won't stand in line 30 minutes to vote. That's the story of this election. Give the lazy apathetic fucks a way to vote without getting off the futon.

Americans have a right to vote right?

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Super Moderator
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This doesn't square with the results.. The only place he did well with "hispanics" is the Cubans in Florida. In every border state he massively lost all the counties bordering Mexico, especially in Texas. If he truly did well with them, he wouldn't have been trounced as much in those counties. In fact one only needs to look to 2016 to see he did much better with blacks and hispanics than he did this time. It's a false narrative.

The blacks came out in droves for Biden, via mail-in ballots. They will camp out and spend two nights at Best Buy for the new iPhone but won't stand in line 30 minutes to vote. That's the story of this election. Give the lazy apathetic fucks a way to vote without getting off the futon.

I'd like to see the final percentages that tell the story but it's been reported that Trump did better with blacks and Hispanics in this election. It's why we've seen Maxine Waters and Sharpton criticize black voters.

In any event, I do agree with you on Texas. Demographics are changing and Texas was way closer than it should have been. I never believed that Texas would go blue but that's a possibility in the near future. It's why the left wants amnesty. If that happens, it's pretty much over.

I've seen this before when I was overseas and by the time people realize what happened, it's over. The left has become synonymous with socialism and those policies don't work. We've seen it before and sooner or later, the bill comes due. If I didn't have kids, I really wouldn't give a shit.


Super Moderator
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You think Trump had more black and Hispanic votes than Biden?

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Of course I don't. I believe he received a higher percentage than the last election but he's no where near any real meaningful number.
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