
Reaction score
What a shitshow this country has become. Third world country-like elections.

The stuff going on in Wisconsin, Michigan, PA and AZ (and likely NV too) is absolutely fucking criminal.

Like many others, my father and grandfather proudly served this country for 40+ years combined, protecting us from stuff exactly like this. They are no doubt turning over in their graves today at this disgrace.
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Super Moderator
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What a shitshow this country has become. Third world country-like elections.

The stuff going on in Wisconsin, Michigan, PA and AZ (and likely NV too) is absolutely fucking criminal.

Like many others, my father and grandfather proudly served this country for 40+ years combined, protecting us from stuff exactly like this. They are no doubt turning over in their graves today and this disgrace.

Some are saying there were more votes cast in Wisconsin than registered voters. If true, that's just bad. Philly will be the same way. It calls the integrity of election into question....in America. This is stuff we've seen in third world countries.

I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime but we had to destroy the country to ensure a Biden victory. People voted for a corpse with early stages of dementia. And I don't know where this goes, even with a recount. I do know if there are integrity issues they need to be addressed so we can claim a fair election. But you're right, it's a shit show.....and it was created by the SCOTUS for not tackling these election issues and arbitrary changes to state law. By avoiding those issues, they ensured the challenges they're sure to have to deal with. But I'm not sure the SCOTUS will have the guts to address them.


Super Moderator
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And going even further, if mail in voting stays as it is for future elections, you'll never see another Republican President. Fraud will just be part of the process if these votes are not validated . While some will find that to be acceptable, one party rule never works and will have it's own issues.


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Some are saying there were more votes cast in Wisconsin than registered voters. If true, that's just bad. Philly will be the same way. It calls the integrity of election into question....in America. This is stuff we've seen in third world countries.
Yeah I saw the reports on Wisconsin, if true how can they rightfully certify those results? It's an obvious case of massive voter fraud. And if they true to certify those results, how can they not be sued to hell and back over it.


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I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime but we had to destroy the country to ensure a Biden victory. People voted for a corpse with early stages of dementia. And I don't know where this goes, even with a recount. I do know if there are integrity issues they need to be addressed so we can claim a fair election. But you're right, it's a shit show.....and it was created by the SCOTUS for not tackling these election issues and arbitrary changes to state law. By avoiding those issues, they ensured the challenges they're sure to have to deal with. But I'm not sure the SCOTUS will have the guts to address them.
Massive integrity issues in our elections now for sure. We shouldn't have this in our country like ours. It's appalling and along with potentially stacking the SCOTUS with liberals is a legit issue to create another Civil War over. At some point the normal people of this country will have had enough.

And shame on the SCOTUS for punting on that PA case, they could have nipped some of this shit prior to election day but NOOOOOO...John Roberts strikes again.

Speaking of him, I don't know what Obama and other leftists have on him, but he has been a massive disgrace as SC Justice and NUMEROUS decisions of his make no fucking sense at all considering his history prior to landing there.


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And going even further, if mail in voting stays as it is for future elections, you'll never see another Republican President. Fraud will just be part of the process if these votes are not validated . While some will find that to be acceptable, one party rule never works and will have it's own issues.
The democRATS went all in on the fearmongering for the Coronapoclypse. They did it to ensure mail in voting. In the past mail-in voting typically favored Republicans with the military vote. Many of those mail-in ballots in the past were never even counted if there was less than the in person voting total difference. Democrats usually fought to get them thrown out when they did matter. They fully realize there are so many fraud opportunituies with this type of ballot. They saw an opportunity with Covid and seized on it. The left and their propaganda arm (aka the mainstream media) will always try to push some kind of health scare in election years from now on garuanteed. .


Super Moderator
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Massive integrity issues in our elections now for sure. We shouldn't have this in our country like ours. It's appalling and along with potentially stacking the SCOTUS with liberals is a legit issue to create another Civil War over. At some point the normal people of this country will have had enough.

And shame on the SCOTUS for punting on that PA case, they could have nipped some of this shit prior to election day but NOOOOOO...John Roberts strikes again.

Speaking of him, I don't know what Obama and other leftists have on him, but he has been a massive disgrace as SC Justice and NUMEROUS decisions of his make no fucking sense at all considering his history prior to landing there.

Most conservatives will do nothing. Most Republicans will do nothing. They need to go back to work to feed the machine. I would have rather had a blue wave to remove any doubt but it is what it is.

Texas demographics are changing and Texas was closer than it should have been. At the end of the day, I believe people voted against Trump more than they voted for Biden. Trump had the main stream media, Hollywood and social media against him. He had to deal with the Russian collusion hoax and endless investigations. How ironic it was Biden that was dirtied up by his son. But the main stream media gave him shade because they hate Trump. Throw in the virus and it was an uphill battle.

We'll see what happens with a Biden presidency but does anyone think he'll make it through his first term? At what point if he continues to lose his faculties does Harris take over? A lot of questions, that's for sure.


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Yeah I saw the reports on Wisconsin, if true how can they rightfully certify those results? It's an obvious case of massive voter fraud. And if they true to certify those results, how can they not be sued to hell and back over it.

Suing won't matter David. The country doesn't have the stomach for a constitutional crisis. And I'd bet a lot of Republicans won't back it anyway. I will say this. More suburban folks voted for Biden than I expected even though Trump won the in-person voting. I hope they know what they asked for.


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Do people realize the Russia holds elections too? That's right, Russia has a "democracy" because it's people get to vote for their president. Putin runs and will even have an opponent. But after the votes are "counted" Putin wins. Of course none of us believe the Russian elections are legitimate. They're not. No one has any trust that a Russian election is going to be fair because over time the people learned that Russian elections are not fair. The newspapers always endorse Putin. The Vote is always something like 99% for Putin and 1% for the opponents who probably winds up dead from radiation poisoning in the near future.

In this country we got onto this weird notion that everyone should vote, every vote should be counted, no matter how questionable, and we should make it as easy as possible to vote even it we are also making it easier to commit voter fraud. What's going on today in PA, GA, MI, AZ and WI may or may not be legitimate. But it looks fishy, even if just a little. But the more we experience these fishy circumstances, the less trust we will have in our elections. When we no longer trust our elections to be fair, we have lost our faith in democracy. Then we will lose our democracy (yes, I know we are a Republic, but I am talking about the votes for our representatives which matter too).

In NJ, where I vote, we voted by mail-in ballot for the first time ever. The mail-in ballot process was imposed by the governor and was not voted on by the state legislature. But both are Democrat so no one raised an objection. Everyone got a mail-in ballot mailed to them, if they were registered in NJ. Thousands of dead people and people who moved out of NJ got ballots. There was no option to vote in person. If you went to the polls you got a paper provisional ballot to fill out. Mailing in the ballot is easy. Fill it out, stick it in an envelop, sign the envelop and stick it in a mail box or dropbox somewhere. I never understood how going to the polls was different from going to the post office and waiting on line. Exposure to COVID-19 is possible doing both. The problem is there is no verification of the identity of the voter. But the real issues come after the vote is mailed. NJ had a system to check the status of your vote. You can register yourself on a system USING AN ID, and then you can find out if your vote was received. However, NJ will not tell you if your vote was accepted or rejected until November 20, after the NJ vote is certified! If my ballot is rejected for any reason, I have no opportunity to appeal it and get my vote counted. Voting in person, as we did in prior elections, I knew my vote was counted exactly as I intended because I hit the buttons on the machine and I pulled the lever to have my ballot accepted. Now, I have no idea how my vote was registered or if it was registered. Honestly, my faith in the system has taken a big hit this election.


Super Moderator
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What's going on today in PA, GA, MI, AZ and WI may or may not be legitimate. But it looks fishy, even if just a little. But the more we experience these fishy circumstances, the less trust we will have in our elections. When we no longer trust our elections to be fair, we have lost our faith in democracy. Then we will lose our democracy (yes, I know we are a Republic, but I am talking about the votes for our representatives which matter too).

Good post Creeper. You nailed the bigger issue. As a country, regardless of political affiliation, we should all demand integrity in the process. Elections are bigger than Trump or Biden or whomever else is running. If I'm a leader in a state where more people voted than are registered, a huge red flag should go up. But it won't. This is third world stuff and not something we should see in America.

There are issues here that I hope will be cleared up. My reality is that very little of what happened yesterday will affect me personally. My 401K may take a hit, but I get a monthly pension and I have healthcare for life. But the integrity of the process is a far greater issue.

Lastly, I really though Minnesota had a chance to flip. Trump lost that state by 46,000 votes in 2016 and I though the riots and the current issues would flip some voters. I believe Trump lost by a greater margin than 2016. It's like NY re-electing DeBlasio. Elections have consequences and it'll be interesting to see how these cities/states that are facing issues with riots, homelessness, and people shitting in front of businesses will make out.


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We should appreciate this board for the leeway in discussing issues that are not acceptable elsewhere. Props to Dooms for keeping it going and Internet King for carrying the baton.

I appreciate putting my thoughts to paper sometimes and maybe it will facilitate an honest discussion because there are very few places left to do so without being moderated. As I may or may not have mentioned in a previous post, I'm a retired government employee and spent some time in the DC swamp (yes, it is a swamp). I'm not on Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, or any other social media beyond a football message board. I always lived in the shadows and never wanted to discuss these issues with friends or family or Facebook "friends."

I was discussing with a member here some of the issues we were seeing over the past few years and and the overall state of the country. The one thing I mentioned to to the member was I started to see a deterioration of the integrity within the system. I also mentioned that I started to see a deterioration of the justice system over the years where politics creeped into the decision making process. This was a direct challenge to the idea and basic premise that justice should be blind and equal for all.

I never believed the idea that the FBI was in any way corrupted or based investigative decisions on anything other than the facts and evidence. My faith in that idea quickly evaporated when I started seeing some of the conduct by criminal investigators and prosecutors. Forget Roger Stone and all the right wing loons for a moment. An FBI lawyer was charged with doctoring a document used to obtain FISA warrants against US citizens. Think about that. That may seem trivial to some but it's incredible for someone who has lived within our justice system for almost 30 years.

There was some reporting that an FBI agent documented some of the issues with the Muller Investigation. Basically, they were prosecutors looking for a crime, as opposed to going where the evidence leads you. That's another basic premise; that an investigation is fueled by the evidence and is contingent on the belief that a crime may have been committed. No issues from me looking into possible Russian collusion by members of our government. But once the evidence doesn't lead you that way, you need to back away gracefully. I would have thought this agent might be called to testify before the Senate but he hasn't. Maybe he's testified before a Grand Jury and the government doesn't want to compromise the on-going investigation but I have my doubts. So why is this important? Because if I looked into the background of any member here, I'll find a crime. Make no mistake about it. Do you have a parent's gun that was not transferred to you? Have you been paid cash for a job ever in your life and not claimed that income on your taxes? Have you over-inflated your expenses on your tax returns for the purpose of avoiding taxes? I can go on and on and the criminal tax code is huge. You don't think so? I've seen prosecutors looking through the tax code to find a crime to possibly charge. No issue if it's a legitimate case and but huge issues when you're looking for a crime.

I listened to Muller's testimony intently. What I saw was a man who was older, had no idea of the facts of the investigation with his name on it, and was not as intellectually sharp as he was. It wasn't his fault, it'll happen to all of us. After listening to Muller's testimony and his inability to answer simple questions and issues of fact regarding the case, I was certain that rouge prosecutors were simply using his respected name to add legitimacy to their sham.

Now, here we are election week and we still don't know who the President is 2 days after the election. There are questions of the legitimacy of the election and possible fraud. Many folks will just discount it because they're Democrats and voted that way. They are satisfied with the inevitable results. The ends justifies the means. But the country that put a man on the moon over 50 years ago in 1969 can not add ballots in 2020. They have raised doubts about the election that go far beyond political party or candidate. As I've been stating for some time now, integrity matters and I've been seeing a deterioration of the integrity within the system. It has now culminated with questions about our elections in America. I can't even fathom that. It just doesn't register. I've worked in third world countries and this is something I've only seen there.

And much as I saw with Muller, I see folks using a known "name" brand like Joe Biden, much like I saw with Muller, to add the illusion of legitimacy to the presidential campaign and election process. Biden didn't even campaign. He, along with Harris, took no questions. They didn't do any serious interviews. They scored two points on the opening drive and played four corners offense the rest of the game, knowing that changes were made to the election process which would increase their chances of winning. Biden flubbed the debate when he discussed fracking and this is what his handlers feared so they kept him bottled up, and rightfully so for their purposes. Biden is a corpse and I don't say that to be mean. We'll all be there if we live long enough. Our mental facilities fade, even if our body doesn't. He's strictly a figurehead for other folks who will make decisions for the country.

We'll all go back to work and live our lives regardless of who is President and hope for the best because people depend on us. But when there are more votes cast in certain locations than there are registered voters, we have issues. The integrity of the election has now been questioned not in Russia, China or Mexico......but in the United States of America. Integrity matters and when integrity is called into question, the whole system breaks down. No one is safe from government intrusion or overreach.


Pro Bowler
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Reaction score
We should appreciate this board for the leeway in discussing issues that are not acceptable elsewhere. Props to Dooms for keeping it going and Internet King for carrying the baton.

I appreciate putting my thoughts to paper sometimes and maybe it will facilitate an honest discussion because there are very few places left to do so without being moderated. As I may or may not have mentioned in a previous post, I'm a retired government employee and spent some time in the DC swamp (yes, it is a swamp). I'm not on Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, or any other social media beyond a football message board. I always lived in the shadows and never wanted to discuss these issues with friends or family or Facebook "friends."

I was discussing with a member here some of the issues we were seeing over the past few years and and the overall state of the country. The one thing I mentioned to to the member was I started to see a deterioration of the integrity within the system. I also mentioned that I started to see a deterioration of the justice system over the years where politics creeped into the decision making process. This was a direct challenge to the idea and basic premise that justice should be blind and equal for all.

I never believed the idea that the FBI was in any way corrupted or based investigative decisions on anything other than the facts and evidence. My faith in that idea quickly evaporated when I started seeing some of the conduct by criminal investigators and prosecutors. Forget Roger Stone and all the right wing loons for a moment. An FBI lawyer was charged with doctoring a document used to obtain FISA warrants against US citizens. Think about that. That may seem trivial to some but it's incredible for someone who has lived within our justice system for almost 30 years.

There was some reporting that an FBI agent documented some of the issues with the Muller Investigation. Basically, they were prosecutors looking for a crime, as opposed to going where the evidence leads you. That's another basic premise; that an investigation is fueled by the evidence and is contingent on the belief that a crime may have been committed. No issues from me looking into possible Russian collusion by members of our government. But once the evidence doesn't lead you that way, you need to back away gracefully. I would have thought this agent might be called to testify before the Senate but he hasn't. Maybe he's testified before a Grand Jury and the government doesn't want to compromise the on-going investigation but I have my doubts. So why is this important? Because if I looked into the background of any member here, I'll find a crime. Make no mistake about it. Do you have a parent's gun that was not transferred to you? Have you been paid cash for a job ever in your life and not claimed that income on your taxes? Have you over-inflated your expenses on your tax returns for the purpose of avoiding taxes? I can go on and on and the criminal tax code is huge. You don't think so? I've seen prosecutors looking through the tax code to find a crime to possibly charge. No issue if it's a legitimate case and but huge issues when you're looking for a crime.

I listened to Muller's testimony intently. What I saw was a man who was older, had no idea of the facts of the investigation with his name on it, and was not as intellectually sharp as he was. It wasn't his fault, it'll happen to all of us. After listening to Muller's testimony and his inability to answer simple questions and issues of fact regarding the case, I was certain that rouge prosecutors were simply using his respected name to add legitimacy to their sham.

Now, here we are election week and we still don't know who the President is 2 days after the election. There are questions of the legitimacy of the election and possible fraud. Many folks will just discount it because they're Democrats and voted that way. They are satisfied with the inevitable results. The ends justifies the means. But the country that put a man on the moon over 50 years ago in 1969 can not add ballots in 2020. They have raised doubts about the election that go far beyond political party or candidate. As I've been stating for some time now, integrity matters and I've been seeing a deterioration of the integrity within the system. It has now culminated with questions about our elections in America. I can't even fathom that. It just doesn't register. I've worked in third world countries and this is something I've only seen there.

And much as I saw with Muller, I see folks using a known "name" brand like Joe Biden, much like I saw with Muller, to add the illusion of legitimacy to the presidential campaign and election process. Biden didn't even campaign. He, along with Harris, took no questions. They didn't do any serious interviews. They scored two points on the opening drive and played four corners offense the rest of the game, knowing that changes were made to the election process which would increase their chances of winning. Biden flubbed the debate when he discussed fracking and this is what his handlers feared so they kept him bottled up, and rightfully so for their purposes. Biden is a corpse and I don't say that to be mean. We'll all be there if we live long enough. Our mental facilities fade, even if our body doesn't. He's strictly a figurehead for other folks who will make decisions for the country.

We'll all go back to work and live our lives regardless of who is President and hope for the best because people depend on us. But when there are more votes cast in certain locations than there are registered voters, we have issues. The integrity of the election has now been questioned not in Russia, China or Mexico......but in the United States of America. Integrity matters and when integrity is called into question, the whole system breaks down. No one is safe from government intrusion or overreach.
Dodger this is a truly great post. I agree 100%.


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So now they've apparently flipped GA to Biden and a certain victory for Senator Perdue has now been turned into a run-off.

There are massive rumblings of huge fraud in both Fulton and DeKalb counties (Dekalb has been plagued by election fraud for eons)

I am 100% disgusted with what our country is turning into.


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And going even further, if mail in voting stays as it is for future elections, you'll never see another Republican President. Fraud will just be part of the process if these votes are not validated . While some will find that to be acceptable, one party rule never works and will have it's own issues.

Republicans will eventually resort to the same tactics turning all of our elections into a farce. We absolutely must eliminate mail-in voting as so many other countries have done. Mail-in ballots are the least secure form of voting and the easiest to use for fraud. In some countries they have outlawed them and only people who prove a valid handicap are allowed to request mail-in ballots. Everyone else must vote in person. But those countries understand how important integrity is to a voting process. America has to learn that less on the hard way.


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Some are saying there were more votes cast in Wisconsin than registered voters. If true, that's just bad. Philly will be the same way. It calls the integrity of election into question....in America. This is stuff we've seen in third world countries.

I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime but we had to destroy the country to ensure a Biden victory. People voted for a corpse with early stages of dementia. And I don't know where this goes, even with a recount. I do know if there are integrity issues they need to be addressed so we can claim a fair election. But you're right, it's a shit show.....and it was created by the SCOTUS for not tackling these election issues and arbitrary changes to state law. By avoiding those issues, they ensured the challenges they're sure to have to deal with. But I'm not sure the SCOTUS will have the guts to address them.

Someone at the Federalist did a nice analysis of the vote in Milwaukee county. She discovered that Biden got more vote in that country than both Obama and Hillary, despite the population of the city of Milwaukee decreasing substantially.

It is hard to believe there is nothing wrong with the vote count when Trump got a higher percentage of the black and Latino vote than any Republican in many years, yet Biden polled higher than Obama despite a decline population! There is something seriously wrong with this election and it all needs to be investigated for the sake of the country. Trump may still lose, but we cannot allow corruption in our elections or every election will be corrupt.
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