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Sure we can, and do. Jurors decide when asked then worry if they were right, later. But they all know even if it's just deep down, they don't really KNOW. And I'm talking specifically in the stated arena of, "what's best for the kids."
What I'm saying is if you require absolute knowledge, then you can't accomplish anything. The burden of proof in a legal case is never "beyond all doubt." There are varying levels of proof required, and in a civl context it's just "preponderance of the evidence." My point is if I'm on a jury, I can decide what's best for children according to the proper burden of proof.


High Plains Drifter
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What I'm saying is if you require absolute knowledge, then you can't accomplish anything. The burden of proof in a legal case is never "beyond all doubt." There are varying levels of proof required, and in a civl context it's just "preponderance of the evidence." My point is if I'm on a jury, I can decide what's best for children according to the proper burden of proof.
I understand what you're saying.

And you said it just right, you can decide what you think is best. Which is just what I said too. But you cannot possibly, really, KNOW. And the original meter of "it's really hard to know what's best for the kids" is absolutely true. It is really hard to KNOW and in fact I'm saying it is impossible to KNOW.


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My point was pretty much what Dooms said.

Obviously all a jury can do is make a decision based on the available evidence. Nothing more can be expected. However, it doesnt mean they are making the right decision ultimately because there may be more information that isnt available. And it was in that context with the kids that I was thinking. If both parents are head cases then the jury is trying to pick the lesser of two evils. And sometimes its hard to truly know which is the lesser. Hence, the "its hard to know whats best for the kids" comment.


High Plains Drifter
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My point was pretty much what Dooms said.

Obviously all a jury can do is make a decision based on the available evidence. Nothing more can be expected. However, it doesnt mean they are making the right decision ultimately because there may be more information that isnt available. And it was in that context with the kids that I was thinking. If both parents are head cases then the jury is trying to pick the lesser of two evils. And sometimes its hard to truly know which is the lesser. Hence, the "its hard to know whats best for the kids" comment.
I did exactly what juries do - I made a choice based on the available evidence. I took your comment to mean exactly the way it read, not knowing for sure of course, 100 percent if that is what you meant.

Hard to know what's best for the kids, but not as hard to make a choice about it. I think most everyone understands and agrees with that.

Had you instead said, "Hard to decide what's best for the kids" then I could understand Pep's objections.


Defense Wins Championships
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The Elite :-P
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Don’t forget Hillary Rodham (now Clinton) busted Nixon with watergate :-D

See my post on Hillary:

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These are the best. The guy has done more in 2 1/2 years with everyone lined up against him than anyone in recent memory. And he's turning Washington upside down to boot. Good.........
Can you imagine if he had the angry, hateful Democrats at least showing some respect, how much better economically this country would be. We literally have a political party working against this country. Who would have thunk it was possible.


Super Moderator
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Can you imagine if he had the angry, hateful Democrats at least showing some respect, how much better economically this country would be. We literally have a political party working against this country. Who would have thunk it was possible.

These career politicians care more about political power and ideology than the good of the country. But these folks would never exist if there weren't lunatics that would vote for them. They would have never existed in their current numbers when I grew up. But our high schools and universities have become re-education camps for our kids where they are taught the virtues of socialism and communism from people that have guaranteed and lifetime jobs feeding from the government trough. They're not preparing our kids to face the competition, hard work and responsibilities required in the real world and these kids get a rude awakening when they graduate and have to fend for themselves or live in their parent's basement.


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These career politicians care more about political power and ideology than the good of the country. But these folks would never exist if there weren't lunatics that would vote for them. They would have never existed in their current numbers when I grew up. But our high schools and universities have become re-education camps for our kids where they are taught the virtues of socialism and communism from people that have guaranteed and lifetime jobs feeding from the government trough. They're not preparing our kids to face the competition, hard work and responsibilities required in the real world and these kids get a rude awakening when they graduate and have to fend for themselves or live in their parent's basement.
It is truly scary how naive the younger generations are. Parents should be ashamed of themselves to let the schools brainwash their kids like that. If they raised them right the school brainwashing would not work as well as it has. Of course even if they are raised right they are still bombarded with it daily from every direction. The mainstream media has become nothing more than the propaganda arm of the left. All we can hope for now is once they see how much better off they become from an booming economy they will wise up and see why the economy is booming. Otherwise, this country will be fucked up once we start to die off.


Super Moderator
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It is truly scary how naive the younger generations are. Parents should be ashamed of themselves to let the schools brainwash their kids like that. If they raised them right the school brainwashing would not work as well as it has. Of course even if they are raised right they are still bombarded with it daily from every direction. The mainstream media has become nothing more than the propaganda arm of the left. All we can hope for now is once they see how much better off they become from an booming economy they will wise up and see why the economy is booming. Otherwise, this country will be fucked up once we start to die off.

Oe of my kids teachers told the class that there were more people killed in the Rwanda genocide then Jews in WWII. Now, both events were atrocious but this need to re-write history is disgusting. We label Trump as a fascist and Nazi without any understanding what those things mean. But it the left's attempt to associate this administration with these evil regimes in history and hope it sticks with the young population who have no fucking clue about the history of this nation.

In any event, I don't have much faith in the bolded part. Idiots are leaving left leaning states in droves and going to Texas and/or Florida. You'd think they'd see the failures of the leftist policies they left behind and vote accordingly but they won't. These people are ideologues; it's about ideology and party and they're tipping the scales. Sooner or later, Texas and Florida will be inundated with these fools as well. You know it's coming.


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These career politicians care more about political power and ideology than the good of the country. But these folks would never exist if there weren't lunatics that would vote for them. They would have never existed in their current numbers when I grew up. But our high schools and universities have become re-education camps for our kids where they are taught the virtues of socialism and communism from people that have guaranteed and lifetime jobs feeding from the government trough. They're not preparing our kids to face the competition, hard work and responsibilities required in the real world and these kids get a rude awakening when they graduate and have to fend for themselves or live in their parent's basement.

100% truth.

But honestly they want kids to never amount to anything, it's why they are setting up the system as it is. They want 100% dependence on a "ruling" class of government.

Keep promising everything for "free" and enough lazy, stupid fucking people will buy into it that they becomes the majority. And once that happens we are 110% fucked as a country.
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