This election, beyond being historic, was a learning experience for me and I've been around a pretty long time. One thing I've learned is just how insane the left is. I go on CNN and other liberal rags just to see what they are saying. The libs don't even see that they have evolved into the party of the well to do. They make millions and then claim to understand the working man. Sure Trump is rich but he doesn't deny it. Any working class folks know their boss will probably be wealthier than them.
This was the opening paragraph of a CNN opinion piece:
(CNN)Since the presidential election, pundits have struggled to explain Donald Trump's upset win. Liberal columnists are united in shock that so many people voted for a man who inflamed racial, ethnic and religious tensions, insulted and mistreated women, and was deemed temperamentally unfit to be president, even by many of his supporters.
Why the white working class ditched Clinton -
I could argue that this paragraph describes Obama to a tee but the left is so blinded by their agenda that they just can't see what the scumbag has done. He's insulted Christians and white people by claiming some hidden and underlying racism. This was particularly shocking since the country voted for Obama who is black (obviously). He couldn't have won the Presidency without the "white" vote and then he turns around and claims that same America that elected the first black President is racist. Hey dickhead, fuck you.
He's minimized the working class and small business owners from day 1 with his "you didn't build that" comment. And Obama really believes that opinion because he and others like him have made millions by doing nothing; they didn't employ one person; they never paid a dime in payroll taxes; they never paid a dime to maintain an inventory; they never filed corporate taxes or had to pay property taxes on a commercially zoned property. No, Obama and others like him had their education handed to them while the working dog co-signs for loans for their kids or tries to make ends meet helping their kids pay for their education. No, they built their fortunes by taking advantage of the system.
This concept that Trump has been talking about and the working class voters that he's been talking to resonated. When folks start thinking that they're better off being poor so they can get housing, food stamps and discounted education for their kids, that's a real problem. When I take my elderly Dad to a home so he can get rehab after surgery and I can't afford to keep him there, that's a problem, especially when the place is filled with long term elderly residents who hang foreign flags in their rooms and I know have never paid into the system.
In our zeal to help the poor, we forgot about the working class who fund the very system that supports the poor. And when that working class struggled, the more they paid into the system until they were dragged down by the weight of their struggle. The more folks objected, the more they were called racists and privileged. They are so blinded they can't even see that what they are saying and tweeting is the very epitome of racism. The left thought Trump and his supporters were fascists who condoned violence to further their cause. But they excuse their rioting, beatings, looting and burning as an expression of free speech and they can't even see that they are the very thing they believed of the other side. And the left wing media can't even come to accept it despite all the evidence.
I don't' know what a Trump presidency will bring and I would have supported the Republican candidate either way. But I knew what the left would have done and the path we would have continued down. I'm not going to lie; I have a real despise for the left and what they've done to the working class in this country. And hearing them now after the election only adds to my despise of these basement dwelling bums.
Rant over........