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Apparently you don't pay attention then, I'm all for throwing them ALL (or almost all) out. I'm reasonably sure I'm the biggest proponent of term limits in this forum. Those cockroaches that go there and make a career out of staying in Washington are the single biggest problem we have and its something that has a really simple fix. They don't go up there with the idea that they need to help the country or fix things that are broken, they go there with the idea that its a do nothing job they can cling onto and get all kinds of dough and perks from tax payers and lobbyists.

And not one word I posted in that reply about why normal people hate Obama was untrue. It was all accurate.

Yes what you said about Obummer is true.

And Ill tell you this. You are no bigger supporter of term limits than me. I tell people that all the time as well as every incumbent should not be re-elected. And I get people trying to tell me how term limits wont solve the problems. To which I say, well its at least a good starting point. There is no bigger problem than career politicians.


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Yim - I ask again, how would Johnson or anyone pay off the debt? As you detailed, it's literally impossible. You could veto every new piece of pork that came your way and the interest and ongoing commitments would still eat us alive. If you tried some massive austerity program the economy would collapse. I personally am for a much smaller government with much less fraud and waste, but you can't eliminate everything. Try firing everyone and taking away people's government and military pensions and that's when you get your revolution.

And the US government isn't like a state. A state can't print its own money like we do. Massive difference.


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Yim - I ask again, how would Johnson or anyone pay off the debt? As you detailed, it's literally impossible. You could veto every new piece of pork that came your way and the interest and ongoing commitments would still eat us alive. If you tried some massive austerity program the economy would collapse. I personally am for a much smaller government with much less fraud and waste, but you can't eliminate everything. Try firing everyone and taking away people's government and military pensions and that's when you get your revolution.

And the US government isn't like a state. A state can't print its own money like we do. Massive difference.

I addressed your question and you summarized my answer: "its impossible" (in the sense that no one is willing to welcome the catastrophe that dealing with the debt would create).

My reasons for supporting Johnson/Weld are not because I believe they can or will pay off the debt.


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Like the US government can.

Why did you spend so much time on the debt if you acknowledge that no one can fix it? I must be missing something.


High Plains Drifter
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I get people trying to tell me how term limits wont solve the problems. To which I say, well its at least a good starting point.
No it's not! If you think there is corruption, quid pro quo and pay for play now with members of congress, wait until you get a newly re-elected senator on what he knows is his last 6 year term because he can't run again, and therefore knows he has no constituents to answer to! He doesn't have to worry about re-election, therefore all stops are pulled!

We fucking HAVE term limits already. It's called ELECTION DAY.
YOU want to give the federal government MORE power, by having it say we can't re-elect our congressman and senators?

The more thought you give it, the worse of an idea it becomes. Like most all other populist crap. It's populist because people are stupid.


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Like the US government can.

Why did you spend so much time on the debt if you acknowledge that no one can fix it? I must be missing something.

Lol, my way of thinking really gets on your nerves don't it TE? I'm all ears if you've got a better grasp on things

I said no one will fix it because what would have to be done is too painful for a politician to have the courage to do. I still believe in American ingenuity and if a group of our most talented and intelligent Americans became citizen soldiers in the fight to solve the debt problem, I believe it could be fixed but it would require sacrifice and wouldn't be fun.

I bring it up because imo, its the biggest problem we have yet all everyone wants to argue about is birth certificates, emails and grabbing pussy.

its like Nero supposedly Fiddling while rome is burning.

I like the following quote when it comes to this issue:

“If not us, who? If not now, when?”


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No it's not! If you think there is corruption, quid pro quo and pay for play now with members of congress, wait until you get a newly re-elected senator on what he knows is his last 6 year term because he can't run again, and therefore knows he has no constituents to answer to! He doesn't have to worry about re-election, therefore all stops are pulled!

We fucking HAVE term limits already. It's called ELECTION DAY.
YOU want to give the federal government MORE power, by having it say we can't re-elect our congressman and senators?

The more thought you give it, the worse of an idea it becomes. Like most all other populist crap. It's populist because people are stupid.

fair point


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Lol, my way of thinking really gets on your nerves don't it TE?

Not in the least. Not even sure why you'd think so.

I do disagree it's our biggest problem, and I don't think any amount of ingenuity can solve the problem. I think it's our people who wouldn't and couldn't put up with massive short term pain to help solve the problem, not the politicians. Too many people already are too entitled and believe the government can fix their problems. Sad to say but in a sense I think we're already too far gone.

Anyway, in case we aren't, that's a big reason I'm for smaller government and more money in our hands rather than in the hands of the wasteful, selfish bureaucrats.


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Not in the least. Not even sure why you'd think so.

I do disagree it's our biggest problem, and I don't think any amount of ingenuity can solve the problem. I think it's our people who wouldn't and couldn't put up with massive short term pain to help solve the problem, not the politicians. Too many people already are too entitled and believe the government can fix their problems. Sad to say but in a sense I think we're already too far gone.

Anyway, in case we aren't, that's a big reason I'm for smaller government and more money in our hands rather than in the hands of the wasteful, selfish bureaucrats.

My bad, no problem if you ever were/are, I just got that vibe from you with my takes on jeri being the albatross to winning for the Cowboys and figured my rambling on this subject was having similar effect.

Sadly on the debt issue, I'm afraid its as hopeless as you describe. Its hard to believe this country united in the way they did to win WW2, I don't see how our present culture could do it but maybe we would if put under that kind of pressure again, there was a window after 911 where I felt the nation was in harmony but that was quickly dashed.

So we both think it will never be fixed, then what is the breaking point?

As the interest due grows, the overall debt starts to take a severe upward trajectory as more and more debt is needed to service existing interest and government expenses. I've heard that close to half of current tax revenues are already used to pay interest...yuck

As everyone can tell, I'm especially sensitive to debt, I HATE it. I don't owe anyone anything but I'm afraid all my frugality and sound financial management won't prevent me from being dragged down with everyone else.
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New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is reviewing another slew of emails related to Hillary Clinton’s private server — apparently thanks to Anthony Weiner.

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

Later in the day, the New York Times and the Associated Press reported that the additional emails were discovered on former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner’s electronic devices during the FBI’s investigation of his sexting habits. According to the Times, the FBI is looking at inappropriate text messages Weiner allegedly sent to a 15-year-old girl. :picardfacepalm

Weiner’s estranged wife, Huma Abedin, is a longtime top aide to Clinton. Abedin announced earlier this year that she would divorce Weiner, whose political career has been rocked by multiple sexting scandals.

Friday evening, Clinton called for the Comey and the FBI to release the “full and complete facts” from the probe.

Then-New York city mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, in 2013. (Photo: Eric Thayer/Reuters)

But her competitor for the White House, Republican candidate Donald Trump, capitalized on the FBI’s announcement by releasing a statement that accuses Clinton of “criminal and illegal conduct.”

“Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office,” Trump said. “I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the DOJ are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understand. It is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, tweeted that Americans were already aware of Clinton’s “lifelong pattern of corruption” and that elected officials should be held accountable regardless of how high they rise in politics.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a Republican, also chimed in on Weiner’s surprising role in the controversy.

Weiner did not respond to a request for comment from Yahoo News.

John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, released a statement calling for the FBI to release more details about its announcement:

“ “Upon completing this investigation more than three months ago, FBI Director Comey declared no reasonable prosecutor would move forward with a case like this and added that it was not even a close call. In the months since, Donald Trump and his Republican allies have been baselessly second-guessing the FBI and, in both public and private, browbeating the career officials there to revisit their conclusion in a desperate attempt to harm Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

“FBI Director Comey should immediately provide the American public more information than is contained in the letter he sent to eight Republican committee chairmen. Already, we have seen characterizations that the FBI is ‘reopening’ an investigation but Comey’s words do not match that characterization. Director Comey’s letter refers to emails that have come to light in an unrelated case, but we have no idea what those emails are and the Director himself notes they may not even be significant.

“It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election.

“The Director owes it to the American people to immediately provide the full details of what he is now examining. We are confident this will not produce any conclusions different from the one the FBI reached in July.”


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Do you guys realize what the FBI just did?

Forget about the election being over in 11 days, the FBI just re-opened a previously case closed investigation that Comey took a beating for as well as the FBI as a whole.

There, in my mind, would be zero chance Comey would do such a thing unless he firmly believes that the new evidence would cause him to reverse his previous recommendation. No way he'd chance his integrity taking another shot when Obamacare and wikileaks have kind of buried the scrutiny directed at him and the FBI.

11 days out? No way he does this 11 days out with the optics that will surely leave a lot of Hillary supporters questioning wtf the FBI is doing trying to possibly alter an election just days out.

This is going to be huge news I suspect, and I think we'll get it relatively quickly. If nothing else, Comey has at least given the American people the facts they've needed to draw their own conclusion. This isn't going to be something they sit on and potentially risk an indictment/impeachment months down the road into her presidency.

I'll take a stab at this and guess what this is all about. I think we know that the source of this info was Huma's personal and shared home device(s) she had with Anthony Weiner. I think there has to be concrete evidence that she and Clinton both had exchanges discussing ways to hide what was going on about various corrupt happenings, be it concealing emails, destroying emails, or this could all come down to a RICO case against the Clinton Global Initiative.

The timing tells me two things.

1. Clinton is absolutely the target, no way in fuck the FBI does this 11 days out if this is strictly a Huma or Anthony Weiner thing. Clinton is the end game here. No reason to threaten her election bid this close unless she's the pot of gold at the end of this thing.

2. Obama could possibly get to pardon two Clintons before this is all over.

Very exciting stuff. The bitch could be in some deep shit.


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The only thing missing right now is some unexplained deaths connected to this particular investigation.


Pro Bowler
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First, the case was never officially closed on Clinton according to the news. So they technically are not re-opening it

And second - Anthony Weiner found dead to three self inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of his head. News at 11


Pro Bowler
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2. Obama could possibly get to pardon two Clintons before this is all over.

interesting theory, the FBI better get cracking, times running out

I don't see how Clinton could be prosecuted and convicted quickly enough for Obama to pardon her


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As everyone can tell, I'm especially sensitive to debt, I HATE it. I don't owe anyone anything but I'm afraid all my frugality and sound financial management won't prevent me from being dragged down with everyone else.

Hey I'm with you on debt personally. I'm one of those people who has zero and pretty much always has. In my life I've had two months of credit card debt when I was young and bought a PC and took a second month to pay it. And yes, if things fall apart, we will go down with everyone else. It almost happened in 2008 when those money market funds almost broke the buck and we would have had runs on banks. (But even that had nothing to do with the US national debt.)

And you've never pissed me off. Well, I take that back, when you start upvoting positive Garrett posts that does irritate me a little.


Pro Bowler
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I take that back, when you start upvoting positive Garrett posts that does irritate me a little.


hey man, sometimes I gotta Howard Stern my shit up in heruh to instigate some discussion.

<Having said that, you'll be pissed to know I'm not completely down on Garrett, I still think many of the things I thought he brought to the table still apply, but I wont derail this thread with that contentious subject>
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