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Funny how they reached and read the verdict the same day as the Benghazi hearings.

Probably not as telling as the priority the nonsense is given. Who the hell is Jodi Arias?
I know who the President is, I know show his flunky SOS was in Sept of '12...

3:37 PM: All Three Cable Nets Ignore Ongoing Libya Hearing To Cover Arias
Jodi Arias probably killed that guy and definitely killed the news-cycle for the Libya hearings. Even Fox News is ignoring the whistle-blower testimony in favor of hyping the upcoming Arias verdict.
The Apocalypse must be nigh.

2:52 PM: Media Disappears from Twitter During Libya Hearing
Usually, during big news events like today's Libya testimony, the media swarms Twitter with live updates, observations, and open coordination on Narratives. We saw this last night when South Carolina sent Mark Sanford back to Congress, when the Senate voted on gun control, etc. Political happenings always bring the media to Twitter like moths to a flame.
But today the media has been hiding -- at least as soon as the Libya hearings started. Almost all of the Libya Twitter-traffic is coming from those who are not part of a mainstream media that wants to pretend none of this is happening. In other words, they are hiding in shame.

But they are also busy conspiring on how to handle and cover the hearings -- with one another and with the White House.
The Narrative to protect the president must be a united one.

2:09 PM: Media Will Never Admit It, But Hearings Prove Obama Lied to Them
While he media focuses on "old news" and "what we already knew" to diminish the whistle-blowers' testimony, one fact coming out of this is undeniable one that the Obama Administration lied-lied-lied about a spontaneous protest gone bad for a full ten days after the attack.

To the media, though, this is not a revelation. They knew Obama was lying and chose to join in on the cover-up.
Never forget, either, that Hillary Clinton stood in front of the coffins of dead Americans and repeated that lie.

lolbreitbartlol - the only bastards to give this precedence
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In the Rotation
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See?...this is no coincidence.
Jodi Arias killed her ex in 2008,why is this such a big deal now?
4 Americans were slaughtered last year by Islamist vermin + a government cover up,yet the media focuses on Arias?


In the Rotation
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Not only Hillary lied,she told Tyrone Woods' father ,"We will find the person responsible for that video and arrest him and prosecute him".
Some gall.
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Jodi Arias was/has been a relatively big story. It was basically along the lines of the OJ trial, Casey ANthony trial, etc as in it was the "it" trial receiving most of the media attention.


In the Rotation
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Jodi Arias was/has been a relatively big story. It was basically along the lines of the OJ trial, Casey ANthony trial, etc as in it was the "it" trial receiving most of the media attention.

No it is not.
The media made it big,just like the other ones.
What has Arias done in life prior to murdering her ex?
What did Anthony do prior to killing her daughter?
They were regular ass losers,at least OJ was famous.

The Cleveland story was bigger.
3 puerto rican scumbags running a sex slave dungeon for 10 years.
Watch it fade quickly,because they are minorities.But why did they focus on these Arias and Anthony?they had nothing on Eileen Wuornos.That was news.That was a serial killer.


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Whomever she is, I'd rather see greater attention given to that atrocity that has a greater effect on our country than another celebratory murder case.


Practice Squad
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Whomever she is, I'd rather see greater attention given to that atrocity that has a greater effect on our country than another celebratory murder case.

I normally agree with everything you say but I kind of disagree here. This was important to see because of cases like Casey Anthony. All of a sudden jurors don't think and need physical proof of every little thing. I honestly thought there was a chance she could walk because of how jury's have operated recently. Common sense has been thrown out the door in a bunch of recent rulings.

Benghazi is a bigger deal but this case was also pretty important.


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I wasn't aware of the nuances of this case, what is the deal with the jurors? Or was the entire thing looked at as a barometer for how the Anthony trial effected things?


Practice Squad
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I wasn't aware of the nuances of this case, what is the deal with the jurors? Or was the entire thing looked at as a barometer for how the Anthony trial effected things?

I think for some who saw how the Casey Anyhony trial played out... it was used as a barometer. I think it was O'Reilly who was talking about how now jurors need DNA and a bunch of science to prove someones guilty now, otherwise they walk. I think there's something to that, not as much in this case but in general. In this case I don't think I heard anyone say she would be found guilty with any confidence. That's troubling considering what we do know. Maybe on my own but it was nice to see someone actually convicted for the crime they committed.
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That's a retarded take to have on jurors. It varies wildly from state to state, county to county, and person to person. Believe me, plenty of people get found guilty without DNA and lots of scientific evidence.


Practice Squad
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That's a retarded take to have on jurors. It varies wildly from state to state, county to county, and person to person. Believe me, plenty of people get found guilty without DNA and lots of scientific evidence.

And plenty of people don't. They dropped the ball with the Casey Anthony trial. They redeemed themselves here.
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They're not the same people, you know that right? This case was infinitely more provable than Casey Anthony's was. You can't compare the two.

And you certainly can't look at the Anthony trial and just broadly claim that jurors require more now than they used to. That's just not true.


Practice Squad
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They're not the same people, you know that right? This case was infinitely more provable than Casey Anthony's was. You can't compare the two.

And you certainly can't look at the Anthony trial and just broadly claim that jurors require more now than they used to. That's just not true.

Very aware they aren't the same people. Thanks for the reminder.


In the Rotation
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Pep,you are a man conquered by reason,do not argue with those who have never discovered.
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I'm talking about the big picture. Would it make you happier if I said the judicial system redeemed itself?
Not really... You presume the judicial system is an entity that can be ruined by one case.

It's not a perfect system. But go find a better one.
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