Why Obama
Fellow Republicans,
For decades, our politics have become increasingly polarized, as elected officials cater to the most extreme elements of their parties, and media companies work to shock, amuse and divide us. In the meantime, the problems we face grow as they are passed on to future generations.
President Obama has fought to find common ground and move our nation forward. His stimulus bill of 2009 included almost $300 billion in tax cuts. When the Bush-era tax cuts were set to expire at the end of 2010, President Obama signed compromise legislation extending them for another two years. When some Democrats demanded a single-payer health care system and then a “government option,” the President supported a moderate health care reform bill.
While we continue to debate and address many issues on which we all have strong opinions—abortion, gay rights, the relationship between church and state, to name a few—we will continue to support the President's efforts to break our government’s paralysis and meet the challenges we face as a nation.
We need President Obama to continue to unite the American majority
that wants to move forward and improve the long-term economic well-being
and independence of our nation.