I knew people'd be afraid to show they faces!
Mine's been on my profile since the day I joined.
Oh you aren't old.
Where are you from? Where do you live currently?
Not ancient,certainly not young.
I live here:http://maps.google.com/maps?q=hachita+new+mexico&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl
Grew up and went to school not far from where I live now.Then I lived in a west Texas oilfield town for 25 years,spent the last 9 years in Colorado,moved here in April.
Cool. I live in Shreveport, LA.
There's not really much special about it although they have made tons of movies here recently. The Guardian was filmed here. Another movie where Kevin Coster played I think a serial killer was filmed here. About a year ago they were shooting some movie where aliens came in and were destroying the world. A part of I-49 was closed down and you could see the set. Oh, and when I worked at Best Buy I met Jimmy Fallon.
Not to mention they have filmed the series True Blood there.
My wiener hurts from all the sex.
My wiener hurts from all the sex.