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This county is on the right track. If they had to give an oath to defend the Constitution then they are 100% keeping their oath with this law.


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In the meantime, this past Thursday Democrats in the Senate introduced a new bill that bans the import, manufacture and sale of semi-automatic firearms with detachable magazines. That's right, every handgun, rifle and shotgun with a detachable magazine will be banned by this legislature if it should be passed because Democrats have deemed these guns to be "assault weapons".

This is the first sentence of the new bill:

"To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. The emphasis is mine.

In this single sentence Democrats have thrown down any consideration that the constitution of the US is still a valid document and the law of the land. The new gun control bill openly defies the constitution and the rights of the people. This new assault weapons ban surpasses the assault weapons ban of 1994 and deprives the people of the right to purchases the same arms legally, that criminals can purchase illegally.

I have no idea if there are enough senators to vote for this attack on our constitutional right to defend ourselves, or if the Roberts supreme court has the courage to strike it down in its entirety, but the audacity of Democrats to even propose such language should scare every America to death. Democrats have literally told us, we have no rights they cannot strip from us.

Stock up on your weapons, friends, and keep hoarding ammo because if this bill passes, confiscation and sales of ammo will be next.


Super Moderator
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This will never work and it's all for show by cowardly Republicans at every level who let the horse out of the barn. The Supremacy Clause declares that "the constitution, laws, and treaties of the federal government to be the supreme law of the land to which judges in every state are bound regardless of state law to the contrary."

A state or local officer trying to apprehend a federal officer in the performance of his or her duty is putting him or herself at physical and legal risk. The Republicans, by not challenging election integrity, have opened the floodgates to all sorts of attacks on our civil liberties and constitutional rights. The Dems are firmly in control. And believing that things will change in the mid-terms is wishful thinking. Dems are already trying to change election laws and we've seen the SCOTUS lack the courage to act.
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