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Jerry Rice: Norv Turner is a coach that can’t get you over the hump
Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on November 21, 2011, 2:54 PM EST

Jerry Rice is one of the greatest players of all time and he played under Norv Turner in Oakland.

So his opinion of Turner carries a little weight.

Rice says that Rex Ryan was right: The Chargers would have won a title or two with Ryan in San Diego.

“Norv Turner is one of those coaches that just can’t you over the hump,” Rice said on SportsCenter Monday. “I played under this guy, it’s just something about Norv Turner and say, a Bill Walsh. Bill Walsh would really give you that incentive to go out there and play football.”

Host Chris McKendry pointed out to Rice that most coaches would suffer in comparison to Bill Walsh. Rice didn’t want to hear it.

“I played under Norv Turner and I know what he brings to the table,” Rice said.

It’s worth pointing out now that Rice didn’t play for Turner for long. When Turner got the Raiders head coaching job, he buried Rice on the Raiders depth chart so that the team could develop Doug Gabriel, Alvis Whitted, and Ronald Curry.

Turner eventually traded Rice to the Seahawks, essentially for free.

Since that happened, Rice has repeatedly said that Turner is the “worst coach” that he ever played for at any level from Pop Warner to the pros. Rice has taken every chance he can to disparage Turner through the media.

So Rice’s opinion of Turner is worthy of note, but it’s not exactly unbiased.
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I agree.

I'll grant you that they've had the Steelers and Patriots to contend with, but it's a travesty that the Chargers - with as much talent as they've had in that organization the past 8 years or so, have not even been to a single Super Bowl.

Norv is a lot like Wade Phillips. They're not, and never will be, championship coaches.


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I doubt Michael Irvin, Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith would agree, and they owned Rice and his piss ant Niner team for a couple years.


Pro Bowler
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I agree.

I'll grant you that they've had the Steelers and Patriots to contend with, but it's a travesty that the Chargers - with as much talent as they've had in that organization the past 8 years or so, have not even been to a single Super Bowl.

Norv is a lot like Wade Phillips. They're not, and never will be, championship coaches.

Rex Ryan wouldn't have won any Super Bowls with the Chargers.
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I doubt Michael Irvin, Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith would agree, and they owned Rice and his piss ant Niner team for a couple years.

Are you defending HC Norv or OC Norv?

Cuz HC Norv has been blowing giant donkey balls since 1994.
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