
If you're keeping the best players, Patrick Crayton and Sam Hurd stay
Posted at 3:54 PM on Thu., Sep. 2, 2010 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Todd Archer / Reporter Bio | E-mail | News tips

The NFL is filled with sayings that you pick up over the years, but I have two that might be best described as half-truths.

"Best player available" is one of the most popular sayings around draft time. Not true. If it were true, the Cowboys would have drafted LeSean McCoy last year in the second round because they had a first-round grade on the running back.

And as the final cuts come down this weekend, you'll hear teams talk about "keeping the best players."

Sorry, not true. Even in a season without a salary cap.

If it were true we wouldn't be talking about the Cowboys thinking of cutting or trading Patrick Crayton and Sam Hurd. If you keep the best 53 players, they are in that group. There can be no discussion.

It's all about economics. I'm not saying it is right or wrong. It's just the way it is.

Crayton will make $2 million this season. Hurd will make $1.759 million. Hefty pricetags for backup wide receivers, but there is a peace of mind about having them around. You know what you're going to get from Crayton. You can't say that about every other receiver on the roster. Hurd is one of the best special teams' players on the roster.

Safety Pat Watkins, who was scheduled to make $1.176 million this year, has already been cut. The Cowboys are betting that rookies Danny McCray and/or Barry Church will be better in addition to cheaper. If you're backup offensive lineman Pat McQuistan, who is also scheduled to make $1.176 million this year, or nose tackle Junior Siavii ($1.101 million) don't breathe easy this weekend.
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