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Gosselin: Cowboys must be swift and harsh in doling out Dez Bryant's punishment

RICK GOSSELIN The Dallas Morning News Columnist
Published: 16 July 2012 09:48 PM

RelatedThe NFL’s collective bargaining agreement says a team can suspend a player for up to four weeks without pay for “conduct detrimental to the club.”

It’s time the Cowboys sat down Dez Bryant for the maximum. For the sake of the team and, frankly, for his own sake.

Bryant was arrested Monday on a domestic violence charge. It was his second run-in with the law this off-season . He also was involved in a brawl at a Miami Beach nightclub in January. There have been mall and jewelry incidents as well in his brief career with the Cowboys.

Bryant doesn’t get it. He never has and, if the Cowboys don’t take action at some point very soon, he never will.

Playing pro football is a privilege, not a right. It’s a children’s game played by adults. But being a millionaire doesn’t give anyone the right to act like a child. In the real world, adults must be held accountable for their actions both on and off the field.

Bryant is getting away with selfishness on the field and off. He puts himself on a pedestal above his team in uniform and out. How is that making the Cowboys a better team and Bryant a better player?

You know what struck me watching the Cowboys draft last April? Almost to a man the Cowboys were drafting players labeled by scouts, “high character, high motor.” That was Jason Garrett putting his stamp on this franchise — you win with character.

I can’t help but think if Garrett was head coach of the Cowboys in 2010, Dez Bryant would not be a Cowboy today.

It’s time the Cowboys let Bryant know this type of behavior will no longer be tolerated. Suspend him and let him have a month to experience life without football and a paycheck.

Maybe he’ll understand what a privilege it is playing in the NFL.

If not, cut him. Let him take his baggage elsewhere. Goodbye and good riddance.


Pro Bowler
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There won't be any kind of punishment that will get through to him.

I was just waiting for this shit to happen.


Quality Starter
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i have gotten to the point that I cant stand gosselin and his articles details are wrong and silly.

but the premise I agree with.

Last year the giants rolled in here for a huge sunday night game and ahmad bradshaw was late for the final meeting or missed a curfew...cant remember which and he barely played against us.........coughlin disciplined him.....

the same should be done here, he should not play at ny......


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Please. Jerry the enabler won't do shit about this, which is of course the main problem. Unless Goodell intervenes, Dez will be in uniform opening night.


Quality Starter
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Well that will be interesting.

If Garrett is truly in charge he should do the right thing, but can he?
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Missing a meeting is a more serious offense than beating a crackwhore hooker.

Oh, she's special because Dez passed through her birth canal?

Bitch please.
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