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Ex-Cowboy Larry Brown rides to rescue when rain dampens Garrett's plans for outdoors practice

By RAINER SABIN Staff Writer
Published 13 August 2011 11:00 PM

When Cowboys coach Jason Garrett awoke Saturday, he was eager to see how his players would perform under the intense glare of the sun at the team’s first outdoor practice at Valley Ranch. Then he looked outside, saw the rain, and realized his plans were foiled.

“I said to the players, ‘How big was the group prayer last night?’ ” Garrett recalled.

The unexpected shower created a logistical problem for the Cowboys, who needed an indoor facility for the morning practice.

Fortunately, Super Bowl XXX Most Valuable Player Larry Brown came to the rescue. Brown, a defensive back for the Cowboys from 1991-1995, had booked Cowboys Stadium for a series of games organized by Metroplex Select Youth Football. He allowed for the event schedule to be interrupted to accommodate the needs of the Cowboys.

“We’re out here on Larry Brown’s time,” Jerry Jones quipped.

The Cowboys went through a brisk practice, and soon thereafter, the children were back out on the field.

“It was great to know that someone who is part of the Cowboys family and was a part of that thing helped us out, and it made for a good day of practice for us,” Garrett said.
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