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And that's what this team and organization is, LOUSY.

Painfully mediocre effort in all phases last night, completely undisciplined keystone cops type effort. Jones and Spawn are cancers that have sucked all the quality out of even their best players because they run the team like complete morons. It's 100% crystal clear this team hardly practices and coaches don't review any film. Same players make same mistakes over and over and over. Numerous guys have clearly played poorly enough to be benched and yet won't be.

1) Another game, another ho-hum effort by the "elite" QB Quack Prescott. Again the drunken fucktard GM spouted off before the game about Prescott being the best thing in the league and glad he pays him 60 mils a yr. Yet he plays like a guy worth 1/3 of that. The Passer rating of 125.5 suggested he had a "good" game but viewing it shows otherwise. His two td passes he had very little to do with (will give him credit for nice throw to Lamb, but Lamb's strength and RAC is what produced the TD), the other TD was a screen pass and better run by Dowdle than anything else, plus refs picked up a holding call flag. Media and Zoners alike making excuses for 4's mediocrity, but if the guy is worth 60 mils he shouldnt need elite guys at every fucking position, and if he does then it sort of calls out the GM further for how fucking dumb he is for paying him. The only positive to Quack's game last night was he didn't throw 4 or 5 balls right to opponents like previous two games. Complete waste of 60 mils per season.

2) The defense didnt get curb stomped in the running game, that's about the only true positive there was. But even before DLaw and Parsons got hurt there was no pass rush to speak of. The coverage was bad and the tackling was atrocious. The Giants punted only 1 time (matching the futility of the Saints game, also only 1). Last week v Cleveland, Giants punted 7 times (SEVEN) For the 2nd time in 3 games the defense also let the other team score every time they had the ball in the first half. EVERY TIME.

3) Zimmer and fucktard McCarthy are the worst DC and HC combination in the league, bar none. Then throw in that waste of time Solari and you have an unholy trinity of true suckage. All 3 of them are the worst in the league at what they do. They cannot coach themselves out of a wet paper bag. Terrible play calling, no creativity on either side of the ball. The OL has regressed every week under Solari and is arguably the poorest OL unit in the league, despite having two talented rookies, a sure fire 1st ballot HOF RG, and an all pro caliber LG. I cant even remember how many times at least 1 or 2 of these guys blocked NOBODY on certain plays. On Lamb's 10 yd run early in the game he came right and actually had the nice gain, but replay showed Steele and Martin blocking nobody. McCarthy made two more completely boneheaded in game decisions, 1st trying a fucking swing pass with Quack on 3rd and 1 instead of just running the ball (they had success on EVERY rush attempt of the 2nd half until the final couple runs on our final true drive of the game, after the 2 min warning), the swing pass didnt work and instead of a first down rushing the ball we ended up 3rd and 11 because of a holding call and ended up with Aubrey making a ridiculous 60 yd FG). Then at the end of the game McCarthy attempted a FG with 32 seconds left, which Aubrey missed and gave the Giants GREAT field position. WTF dumbass? Even if the FG was good you gave the Giants the ball back with a potential to tie the game. We came within inches of LOSING the game because of the moron and the worst FS in the league, Malik Hooker. Grossly misplayed a deep ball that should have been a pick but completely misplayed it and WR had nobody else to tackle him had he caught it.

4) Hooker and Wilson should both be benched as they both suck beyond fucking belief. Hooker misplays every pass and takes bad angles over and over and over (on top of being slow as fucking molasses). Wilson has gone from being a pretty solid starter to one of the worst in football under Zimmer. The guy cannot tackle for shit and like Hooker, is terrible in deep coverage. Wilson single handedly extended two Giants drives with painfully botched easy tackles, and Hooker nearly LOST the game himself by grossly misplaying a prayer throw downfield. Juanyeh Thomas and Markese Bell should be the starters from here on out, but I'm sure they wont be because this staff is fucking clueless.

5) In a game where almost every player sucked, the few solid games were by Mazi Smith (probably best game of his early career by far), Overshown was everywhere and made numerous outstanding plays (which makes hardly using him against the Saints all the more mind numbingly stupid). Hunter Luepke is a nice player. He blocks, he runs pretty well when given a chance and he has sensational hands as a receiver. Dowdle ended up with a season high 46 yds (which is also the season high in any game for any of our RB's). Lamb had a really good game and his great RAC for the TD was the ultimate difference in the game.

6) Parsons other than 1 or 2 plays was essentially invisible, again. He is off to a horrendous start to this season and has only 1 sack and very few hits on the QB in 4 games. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because he has to play for the worst DC in the league now in Zimmer, but a smart franchise would see this team is fucking nothing and instead of paying him, trade him for all they can get. Have no faith in GM Fucktard actually hiring the right coaches to put Parsons in a scheme where he can truly be successful so just get as much draft capital as you can and save the cap space. But we know they wont do that.

7) Virtually none of these veteran players the boneheaded front office got during camp/preseason has been anything but horrible. Andrew Booth they actually TRADED for (albeit giving up a total nothing player to get him) and he was awful during preseason, then got the start last night and was arguably the worst player on the field for either team before being benched at halftime. Linval Joseph does absolutely nothing other than get run over. Jordan Phillips was so bad the Cowboys IR'd him with an injury he claims he doesnt have. Carl Lawson is completely washed up and besides doing NOTHING as a rusher in either game he has played, had a stupid fucking penalty last night that wiped out a Diggs interception.

8) The penalties are beyond laughable. They had 9 accepted penalties in the first half ALONE (would have ben 10, but refs completely blew the obvious facemask call on Overshown and called it on the Giants player). Team has zero discipline because the coaches are fucking awful.

This is a lousy fucking team. We should have lost last night to an equally lousy team but somehow eeked it out. I have no doubt they're getting the hell beat out of them next week in Pittsburgh and then will get blown into oblivion by the Lions in two weeks (to make it 0-3 at home and 4 straight blowouts losses there overall). Every decision Jones and his dumbshit son make are WRONG and they are utterly clueless how to run a franchise. This team will win no more than 5 games this season.


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Then at the end of the game McCarthy attempted a FG with 32 seconds left, which Aubrey missed and gave the Giants GREAT field position. WTF dumbass? Even if the FG was good you gave the Giants the ball back with a potential to tie the game.
What did you want them to do? Go for it on 4th? The real problem is that McCarthy didn't call a timeout when the clock was ticking down and it was clear that the o-linemen weren't close to being set. As a result, the kick felt rushed.


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What did you want them to do? Go for it on 4th? The real problem is that McCarthy didn't call a timeout when the clock was ticking down and it was clear that the o-linemen weren't close to being set. As a result, the kick felt rushed.
Agree on the TO, but had he done that then we'd have heard "arhhhh he iced his own kicker!!!!!!"

To answer the question, going for it was probably better because even if you don't get it, you run more time off the clock and they take over around their own 30 or thereabouts. They were set up in hail mary range with the position after the miss. You also run the risk of a blocked FG. Other option was to maybe take a delay of game and just punt it down to the 10 or 15 yd line.

That said, I was kind of stunned he missed it. Dude has absolutely drilled everything so far this yr.
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