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Claiborne says he’s going to camp, with or without a contract
Posted by Mike Florio on July 15, 2012, 6:29 AM EDT

Cowboys cornerback Morris Claiborne, the sixth overall pick in the 2012 draft, remains unsigned, but that won’t stop him from showing up when training camp opens.

“I’ll patiently wait,” Claiborne said Friday, according to the Shreveport Times. “I’m not in no hurry. You hear a lot of talk about people saying I’m holding out. No, I’m not holding out. I’m going to camp signed or not signed. It don’t matter.”

Claiborne is one of eight players whose rookie deals at the top of the draft are being delayed at least in part by the question of whether, if cut within the next four years, they’ll get to pocket the entire value of their contracts, undiminished by what they may earn elsewhere.

Though admirable, Claiborne’s comments give the Cowboys extra leverage. If they merely refuse to give in, Claiborne eventually will sign.

And when he signs, he’ll be ready to go, fully recovered from wrist surgery that caused him to miss the offseason program.

“I can’t wait. It’s been a while because of my wrist, so far so good. It’s getting healthy and I’m ready for camp to start,” Claiborne said.

The Cowboys likely can’t wait, either, because they now know that’s the point at which Claiborne will crack.


Quality Starter
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Florio is such a joke.

I really wish he would just go away.

Would be cool if he got Ted haggard'd........?."yea I will stick with that


Draft Pick
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Leverage for what?

Something tells me Claiborn's contract will fall between #4 and #6 picks........just a guess.

Everyone knows where the money is going to be. As soon as those others players sign, all the dominoes will fall.


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It isn't a question of the money, it's a question of the wording. Everything else is all set and good to go. But there was a loop hole left open by the CBA that teams are trying to close with language they've put into the contracts and the rooks agents are going ape shit over it and I don't see the issue of a team wanting to make sure that if the guy that they sign doesn't take all his money up front, then suck ass, get cut or just ya know... walk off and stay at home and keep the money and go to another team within the contracts term and get paid there too while they are left holding the bag of cap space debt.
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