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  1. cml750

    Going to the game on the 24th

    I have watched a grand total of one game since 2017 when I boycotted the team due to Jerry's Garrett infatuation. I would have started back watching the team when they hired fat Mike but it just so happened they started that kneeling bullshit the same year so I just quit NFL football. The one...
  2. cml750

    Why was my thread deleted?

    Why was my thread about the Maui fires being planned deleted and who fucking did it? I though this was a censorship free site.
  3. cml750

    Ken Paxton Impeachment Happening Right Now

    They are holding impeachment proceedings for Ken Paxton right now in Austin. They are trying to sneak this bullshit through on a holiday weekend. Anyone living in Texas please reach out to your state congressman right now to let them know you are aware of this sneak attack. Fuck these RINO's...
  4. cml750

    How the left is gaming the voting system

    Here is an interesting article on how they are doing it. They are changing the zip codes for the addresses just before ballots are sent out causing legal to be returned to sender. They then change the zip codes back once this is done which hides the record of this happening in most easily...
  5. cml750

    Trump's Mar-a-Lago Home Raided

    These people will stop at nothing to get Trump. They are terrified he will win in 2024 and help turn congress this year.
  6. cml750

    Monkey Pox

    This appears to be the new thing they are trying to scare everyone with. I thought it could use its on thread.
  7. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    I could not find a good place to put the snip of the tweet below but it perfectly describes the schizophrenia of leftist. We could use a thread specifically for general leftist hypocrite stupidity.
  8. cml750

    Mike Lindell's Online Election Fraud Symposium Aug 10-12. This should be good. Mike Lindell, the "My Pillow" guy, has supposedly has all the digital data from the 2020 election. He claims he can 100% prove fraud in all states not just the obvious ones. He is offering 5 million dollars to anyone who can...
  9. cml750

    Pay for the car behind you chain bullshit....

    Has anyone run across one of these? I did for the first time this morning. So after leaving Walmart this morning I go through the McDonalds drive through. I ordered a sausage biscuit and a hash brown combo which is $2.16 with tax. I get up to the pay window and they tell me the car in front of...
  10. cml750

    Gas prices you see

    Damn gas is already $3.15 per gallon there? That sucks. I paid $2.29 this morning on the way to work. Of course I live where a lot of the gas for the country is made along the Gulf coast. Gas is likely to get very expensive in the coming weeks. None of the refineries along the Gulf coast were...
  11. cml750

    Missouri county passes act empowering sheriffs to arrest feds who try to confiscate guns
  12. cml750

    The Texas "rolling blackout" discussion thread

    So it turns out the reason Texas is having rolling blackouts during the worst state wide winter storm in recorded history is those stupid fucking democRATS and there fucking green energy bullshit. The damn windmills they push all froze and do not generate power when they cant fucking spin.
  13. cml750

    Stories to good to be true but really are true

    This thread is for things that actually happened to you that nobody would likely believe unless they were with you.
  14. cml750

    RGB is Dead

    RGB has passed away. I could not stand her but have respected her toughness beating cancer so many times. SHould Trump and the Turtle try to rush to fill her spot before the election? The left would go nuts (well more nuts).
  15. cml750

    My flag on here says Mexico?

    I just noticed the little flag below my avatar says that I am in Mexico. I am not sure how that is happening. I am on my work computer connected through a VPN working from home about 90 miles East of Houston in the Beaumont area. I do work for a multi-national but foreign owned company so who...
  16. cml750

    The Political Football

    I think the team would be fun to watch under a real coach. Too bad they got "woke" and bowed to a Marxist movement. I will be staying away from the NFL until they correct that mistake which means I am done with the league forever.
  17. cml750

    Well Son of a Bitch.....

    I have to fly to Philly in the morning for training all next week. I just found out that the freak show also known as the democratic convention is in Philly this week. I was hoping to get in at least a little bit of historic site seeing while I was there if I had to be in the town with the worst...
  18. cml750

    Just stumbled across this forum

    After reading through several threads, I joined. It is refreshing to see a forum where the posters are not treated like children. The gestapo mods at Cowboyszone are so completely ridiculous, that I have had enough. It looks like you can actually post things like you see it here without having...
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