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Comparing Trump to Hitler based on a false story in the Atlantic is a sign a panic and desperation in the Democrat party. There was a time when a comparison like this would have drawn universal criticism because it diminishes how evil Hitler actually was.

And the story that makes these claims about Trump is sourced from two anonymous sources supposedly from the Trump administration. My question is, if Trump is this evil then why the anonymity? Why not have the courage to come forward and make your accusations?


Pro Bowler
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When I hear her talk like this I can't help but think America is doomed. Not because this woman is a clueless idiot but because so many people are still going to vote for a clueless idiot.

thats my concern and why Im concerned about election manipulation and fraud, there are a ton of people that are irrational RABID Trump haters who will justify any action to keep him from being elected and far too many of these people have talk shows or are in government and likely involved in the voting process.

How are mail in ballots processed? If a human opens them and can read them, what prevents them from trashing any vote they dont like?


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Democrats are once again rolling out the "Trump is a fascist" attack to try to convince voters to vote for them even if they are horrible people - because Trump is worse.

But Trump was president already for 4 years and what was that like? For one thing Democrats, including their sympathizers in the DOJ, Trump own DOJ, spent 4 years investigating Trump. As a fascist Trump could have stopped this but he didn't. In the meantime Trump could have had his DOJ prosecute Hillary for her crimes covering up her email scandal. Did he? No. Trump could have ordered an investigation into Joe Biden's dealing with Ukraine, something we now know were probably criminal. Did he? He talked about it but never ordered an investigation. If Trump is a fascist as they claim, he is very, very bad at it.
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