
Pro Bowler
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The guy is so alarmed, he sent a letter?

wtf, is this 1930? If its so important, pick up the phone and speak in person


High Plains Drifter
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But... They've found a fucken hole in NORAD right? Japs attacked us with balloons and here we are, this shit workin again?


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But... They've found a fucken hole in NORAD right? Japs attacked us with balloons and here we are, this shit workin again?
They also found a senile fucking pussy running our country


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I have so many questions about this story.

First, when did we first detect this balloon? If we did not detect it immediately upon entry into US airspace, or before, then we have a serious defense problem.
How do we know it is a spy balloon and not something else?
Why wouldn't we bring it down under any circumstances unless we suspect is has a dangerous payload?
Do we suspect there is something this balloon is carrying that we do not want in our atmosphere?
Are we afraid to shoot it down because there is a deadly payload and it would force us to retaliate?
Are we afraid of China?

We are provoking Russia constantly by supplying Ukraine with all kinds of weapons and money but we are afraid to shoot down a Chinese balloon in our own airspace?
Has anyone even talked to the Chinese and asked them what the hell that thing is? and what is it doing in Montana?

The government owes us answers.


Defense Wins Championships
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Close up of the balloon being shot down by an F-22 with a single AIM-9X missile



Defense Wins Championships
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Jack Posobiec: "They only let that balloon stay up bc it was white. We all know what they'd do to a black balloon" - MSNBC, probably



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Close up of the balloon being shot down by an F-22 with a single AIM-9X missile

It is amazing how so many people are defending Biden claiming he shot the balloon down "when it was safe". How gullible are people? The balloon was shot down close enough to our shore lines so that people could take video's from their backyards and post them on Twitter. Did anyone notice how the balloon came straight down? Wind might carry it a bit but otherwise it came down in a relatively small area. And btw, if the winds were blowing from the East, it might have carried the debris back onto the shore. Which means it could have been shot down over an isolated area of Montana, or the Aleutian Islands without any risk of harming anyone. That excuse was lame the minute they rolled it out. But how quickly some people believed it without any common sense or critical thinking.

Also, the idea that somehow the US stopped the balloon from collecting any information is also hogwash. We have no idea if that is true or not. Perhaps they thought they were somehow jamming any radio signals, which is possible, but there is no way of knowing if the Chinese employed some sort of jamming counter measures to ensure their signals were secure. The Chinese know about jamming too. Why would they send a balloon knowing it would be jammed? Or maybe they were testing our radio jamming capabilities? Until we recover the debris and analyze it we have no idea if any efforts to jam the signals were successful. Perhaps the device employed some kind of laser communications system that was bouncing signals off a Chinese satellite. At 60k ft there would be less atmospheric interference to do something like that.

The point is, it was very risky to allow that balloon to traverse the country. We could have and should have shot it down when it was over the Pacific in US waters. Then the Chinese would know we aren't messing around and we will defend our borders. But then again, we have a Democrat in the White House.


High Plains Drifter
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We could have and should have shot it down when it was over the Pacific in US waters.
To my knowledge it wasn't detected until it was over Montana. Early News reports were saying that. News reports talked about the path of it. But it's just speculation.

We didn't catch it until it was over sensitive military installations. Let that soak in. Leaving us no choice really, than to wait. Don't know what biological stuff is in it, or radioactive stuff, wouldn't want it crashing on land in any event. Splashdown was a must in my view.
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