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Consumer prices up 5.7% over past year, fastest in 39 years

I don't know how they calculate these price increases but I think they're WAYYYY off. Gas increases are higher than 5.7%. Food costs are up way over 5.7% as well. Although not necessarily a consumer price, housing has gone through the roof and is not affordable for young people any longer. Rent prices are also increasing. Almost EVERYTHING has skyrocketed way beyond 5.7%.

And yet, there are some Dems who claim they are not affected by the increase in prices or the supply chain shortages. My guess is that a lot of these dolts are not in the work force and have their housing and food costs supplemented. These issues affect every working American. The only people that can sustain these price increases without any type of life altering effect are the wealthy.


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I don't know how they calculate these price increases but I think they're WAYYYY off. Gas increases are higher than 5.7%. Food costs are up way over 5.7% as well. Although not necessarily a consumer price, housing has gone through the roof and is not affordable for young people any longer. Rent prices are also increasing. Almost EVERYTHING has skyrocketed way beyond 5.7%.

And yet, there are some Dems who claim they are not affected by the increase in prices or the supply chain shortages. My guess is that a lot of these dolts are not in the work force and have their housing and food costs supplemented. These issues affect every working American. The only people that can sustain these price increases without any type of life altering effect are the wealthy.

The consumer price index is calculated based on a formula that estimates how much of a household expense budget is allocated to categories of spending, like food, fuel, etc. So if the estimate of how much of our budge we spend on gas is smaller than how much we spend on food, then it will have less of an impact on the actual index. But as the cost of fuel increases then so does the percentage of our budget that we spend on fuel. I am not sure how they calculate this but I assume it is done over a period of time.

I know this much. When I go to the grocery story to buy groceries, it costs a lot more per trip than it did a year ago. But that is inflation compounded over 12 months so the cost year over year is closer to 20% just for groceries. Also, the price of fuel drives up the cost of everything else. I think this cost has been underestimated by our "heroes" in Washington.

But worse than this is the supply chain problem. It's really bad when you can't buy something you need, not matter how much it costs, because the manufacturers can't get their stuff onto the store shelves.


Defense Wins Championships
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Kyrsten Sinema pops Democrats’ filibuster trial balloon on voting rights

The Arizona Democrat is not willing to entertain changes to the 60-vote threshold in order to pass elections reform, as some of her colleagues are discussing.



Pro Bowler
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This is fucking brilliant! I applaud this guy for saying Let’s Go Brandon right to the presidents face during an interview!

Then the ****** says “I agree, let’s go Brandon”

How fucking clueless is this Putz?



Pro Bowler
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Biden is so fucking clueless that he doesn’t even understand when someone is making fun of him to his face


Pro Bowler
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Scott, the video is blocked?

For some reason it won’t allow a video from NBC news to be copy and pasted

It’s essentially a father with his family talking to Biden for a bit on tracking Santa with NORAD last night. At the end of the call the guy says “Let’s go Brandon” to Biden. Then the fucking idiot President says “let’s go Brandon, I agree”

He is so fucking clueless and out of touch


Here is a link from YouTube. Hopefully this one will play correctly

If you want to see it and it won’t play for you just type in “let’s go Brandon NORAD” into the YouTube search-bar and it’s the first video that pops up
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Pro Bowler
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I had seen it....I thought maybe it was taken down. This guy is a disgrace. America knows he's a failure and a fraud.

I can’t see him running for another term with his performance and mental issues so far. I think America is over his weekend at Bernie’s routine already.

Plus Harris is highly hated by most people.

So we would have to put up a total shitbird to run against them to lose this next election. Unless the left find some bright shiny new rising star to run we should be good to go.


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I can’t see him running for another term with his performance and mental issues so far. I think America is over his weekend at Bernie’s routine already.

Plus Harris is highly hated by most people.

So we would have to put up a total shitbird to run against them to lose this next election. Unless the left find some bright shiny new rising star to run we should be good to go.

I'll tell you Scott....all that stuff you mentioned is meaningless unless we get the election integrity issues worked out. The Dems will never lose California or New Jersey with all their mail in ballots and NY is as corrupt as they come, although I believe New York, which pretty much controls the whole state, is very liberal leaning. I mean, they're changing their local election laws to allow green card holders and non-US Citizens to vote. You just shake your head wondering what planet these folks are on but it's true that these people covet power above all else.

I mean, people believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes without campaigning.


Pro Bowler
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I'll tell you Scott....all that stuff you mentioned is meaningless unless we get the election integrity issues worked out. The Dems will never lose California or New Jersey with all their mail in ballots and NY is as corrupt as they come, although I believe New York, which pretty much controls the whole state, is very liberal leaning. I mean, they're changing their local election laws to allow green card holders and non-US Citizens to vote. You just shake your head wondering what planet these folks are on but it's true that these people covet power above all else.

I mean, people believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes without campaigning.

Biden didn’t receive 81 million votes

Anybody but Trump did

I’d hazard a guess that at least 3/4’rs of the votes cast for Biden were solely cast because Trump hurt their feeling at some point over the previous 4 years.


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Biden didn’t receive 81 million votes

Anybody but Trump did

I’d hazard a guess that at least 3/4’rs of the votes cast for Biden were solely cast because Trump hurt their feeling at some point over the previous 4 years.

Not 81 million. I agree with the premise that a lot of folks didn't vote for Biden as much as they voted against Trump....or at least that's what people want us to believe. But not 81 million people.


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Biden didn’t receive 81 million votes

Anybody but Trump did

I’d hazard a guess that at least 3/4’rs of the votes cast for Biden were solely cast because Trump hurt their feeling at some point over the previous 4 years.
I actually think that's total BS.

There's no way that many people decided to vote for a guy their own party knew was a complete joke, along with the VP candidate who's own campaign and popularity were so bad she was one of the first to drop out, for the dimple reason that they "didnt like Trump" People that took that stance would be far more likely to simply not vote at all, not jump ship and vote in these retards.

I bet Biden got closer to 61 million real votes


Pro Bowler
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I’m not disputing the number of overall votes

I’m just saying the majority of the votes that did go for Biden were people voting to keep Trump from getting a 2nd term and hurting their feelings again as opposed to people that actually wanted Biden for Pres.

Most people just wanted anyone but Trump. Biden was the only viable option to accomplish that goal.

Voting for any other candidate or not voting at all would have helped Trump get elected. So they voted for Biden to keep Trump out of office.


Pro Bowler
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There's no way that many people decided to vote for a guy their own party knew was a complete joke, along with the VP candidate who's own campaign and popularity were so bad she was one of the first to drop out, for the dimple reason that they "didnt like Trump" People that took that stance would be far more likely to simply not vote at all, not jump ship and vote in these retards.

its been nothing but trump derangement 24/7/365 from just about every source since he got elected so it wouldn't surprise me given how obsessed enough of the country became with him and getting rid of him

I also think the mail in ballots are RIPE for fraud and dont like this option without severe checks & balances

I know for a fact a vote was made for Trump for someone I know who was mentally incapable of making that decision and it was done so by a person in charge of her who is a Trump supporter so you know damn well this happened in mass and is virtually impossible to prove.

Women seem especially triggered by Trump and I can see many getting their eligible childrens ballot and forcing a Biden vote


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I can’t see him running for another term with his performance and mental issues so far. I think America is over his weekend at Bernie’s routine already.

Plus Harris is highly hated by most people.

So we would have to put up a total shitbird to run against them to lose this next election. Unless the left find some bright shiny new rising star to run we should be good to go.
They're dusting off Hilary.
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