Every religion in the world claims to have had some great transformation. This is not proof that the Christian god is the real one. Couldn’t the belief in a god and going to heaven give you some imaginary hope, thus changing your mindset? Just the very thought that the creator of the universe loves you could be life changing if you convince yourself of it. (brainwash)
I love being an athiest. You don’t have to live under constant guilt. You don’t have a god to blame or thank. You take account for your own actions and don’t rely on a “get out of hell” card when you do something wrong.
Some of you Christians claim to be changed. Yet, i don’t see how you are any different than anyone else here. You lust, backbite, hate and judge without hesitation. I mean, the “greatest christian in the world” couldn’t have a conversation with me about his god without having to imagine i was a woman he could lust to. Changed? lol sssuurrreee