And it's not a matter of talking shit. It's just if you want to debate the validity of scripture do it on the merits of what it actually says rather than something that some idiot said. It seems that the debate is stuck in the mud because of what some guy said about the bible and then the argument goes that direction.
Understanding something has to be the starting point in any debate. It's like watching debate physics that doesn't understand physics. Instead they are debating it based on an article that they read about physics. Whats the point in that?
Except that since everyone who is examining "scripture" is relying on questionable
translations of
copies that have been made of the
copies of copies of copies of the original manuscripts, none of which exist. And they're doing it based on a body of 'wisdom' passed down through ratifying bodies like the council of nicea, all of which derived their ratifying power from themselves, not through any sort of divine mandate.
We could start doing the same thing with Harry Potter books. In 2,000 years we should have quite the following.
The point is that it's all a human invention. Pretending there is a 'right way' to go about examining it is idiotic.